Our precious Katie D is 1 week old today! I’m so happy and glad that Brad got to stay home for the 1st week of her life. I have to mention again how utterly amazing Brad has been. <3
This afternoon was our first baby shower! It went well and we got lots of baby goodies! Here’s a pic of me with the cake!!

Happy 1 week old Katie, Mommy & Daddy love you!
(heh her head fits in daddys hand!<3)
it goes by super fast. i cant believe addison just turned 9months!
& not to butt in, but i wanted to give you some advice 😛
i’m not sure if you are exclusively pumping.. but you want to make sure you pump -every- time katie takes a bottle. basically every 2-2.5 hours.
around 3mo-4mo your body will switch from hormone driven to supply/demand. while you may pump say.. 5oz a session now. around that period you may drop to 1oz-3oz a session. on a GOOD day, i get 3oz a session when i pump at work. and she takes 10oz a day while i’m away. & i only get to pump -maybe- 4 times a day.
keep in mind, this does not mean you have low supply. judge supply based on her out put of diapers. you typically want 6-10 wet/dirty diapers a day.
freeze all the milk you can in milk bags (good up to 3-5 months in the back of the freezer). that way you are able to build a small stash. my stash is only about 20oz. most women are 50+. if not in the 100s!
if you were wanting to get her to your breast, & she is used to the bottle.. you can look into a SNS system. it feeds her via a tube, while sucking. gives you stimulation & her milk.
let me know if you have ANY questions. a lot of people dont have support systems & quit breastfeeding quite quickly because they think they have low supply/many other issues later on down the road.