(entry below was taken from my livejournal, mostly)

Let’s see – before I get down to what Brad and I did this weekend, think I’ll say this: I’ll admit it, I want to be pregnant like.. now. Guess it’s that whole womanly internal clock? thing going on. I *SO* have to contain myself or else we’ll be in over our head, as they say. That would be soooo very, very, very, very, very, VERY bad. Reasons? A few.

1) Brad is not quite ready. We both know it. I mean, he’s gonna make an EXCELLENT Daddy. There’s no doubt in my mind about that. BUT. He’s not quite mature enough and we’ve talked about that and he knows it too. He can’t quite handle stress or big matters all that well. I’m hoping a few more years will help him with that.

2) We’re moving summer of 2007 and I ATLEAST want to be settled down some place where I can..how might you say? Nest? Yeah, nest.

3) Money, money. The root of all evil! But yes, we must have money and be extra prepared.
So yeah, we had the baby talk and we both really want a baby now but It would be such a bad choice ATM and plus I want to keep my age-to-become a Mom which = 22.

The rest of Friday (the 13th!) actually went alright. I was just really emotional though. He came home and I wasn’t really talkin much so he thought I was mad at him, which, I wasn’t – just felt really emotional so we talked it out and both cried. We tend to do that though but I think it’s just downright touching when he looks at me so lovingly with tears in his eyes. So after some crying and loving words, we tried to see what we wanted to do for Friday evening. He wanted to go to Gatlins to play video games and spend the night. I kindof didn’t really want to because of the way I was feeling and I wasn’t really in the video game playing mood. I told him I could just stay home but he didn’t want me here alone in fear that something would happen to me and then I teared up again and said that I didn’t wanna be away from him so he attempted to get me to go with him but then after some thinking I figured I’d go stay with my Mom.
OH OH. Almost forgot. ABBY. This last week she had peed + pooped in the house EVERYDAY so she spent Thursday night OUTSIDE until early, early Friday when we got up. She was sitting on the back of the couch porch FREAAAAAKING out because of the storm so Brad convinced me to give her a second chance. She was pretty good the rest of the day. Then when we got ready to leave for Amory, we decided to put her back outside so we wouldn’t have a kitchen full of mess to clean up.
Hah, the ride to Amory I was still pretty emotional so one little love song and him reaching over to touch my hand was all it took. I’m such a sap. Soo that’s what we did. I went and stayed with Mom Friday night and he went and spent the night with Gatlin. I had fun with Mom though. It’s so weird being in her house sometimes, thinking back on how I used to live there. We watched Final Destination 2 and then Amityville Horror and had some gooooood soup and talked until 5AM, rofl. Moms the best. We could go on talking for hours and hours. She woke me up around almost noon – she rocks like that for letting me sleep that late. I had some nice hot coffee and then Brad called me soon after but I didn’t get to my cell in time. After my coffee, I called him back and he said he would be on his way soon. Sure enough, bout 30 min later, he arrived! I was watching a good movie called Down with Love? Or something like that. It was good but we had to go so I’m gonna have to ask Mom how it ended.
On the way home, about 15 minutes away from home – Brad pulled over and said I was gonna drive us home! I was like OMG.. (I get so scared) BUT I DID IT, haha. It was pretty interesting. Got back home and Abby was NOWHERE to be found! We searched and even went wondering behind the trailor to look about. No Abby.. we were quite sad and quite worried. We asked about and still nothing. We had to go grocery shopping though so but then James came over for a bit and had found a stray dog and showed it to us. Quite a cute little fellow. We left to go shopping around uh.. 6PM and on our way, a guy was pulled over on the side of the ramp? and had his emergency lights on so Brad stopped to see If he could help or anything. It was a black man claiming to either be trying to get someone to their military stationed base or he himself was in the military, don’t know which but anyhow, they were waiting on a towtruck and had been since 3PM and it was t hen 6PM so Brad called the highway patrol and they said they knew about the guy and that they couldn’t do anything unless the guy himself called them and requested a local tow truck so Brad told him that and we were on our way. Brad was nice enough to stop though. OH. ‘Nother thing, we’ve RUN OUT OF GAS for our stove/heater. So we had to buy allllllll microwavable dinners/foods for the time being. *Sigh* Speaking of – don’t it F’IN figure just when we run out of gas, here’s come a F’IN COLD spell???/!!!!!!!!! the last few days I have been FREEZING MY ASS OFF. *sigh* Watch, when we do get gas (this weekend) it’ll be warm again! SDFJSLAKDFJ GRAH!
We had sooooooooooooo much laundry, OMG. We didn’t do it at all last week or this week so we had piles and piles. OH but at wal-mart we found PET SEMETARY! and watched that Saturday night since Brad hadn’t seen it all the way through. Almost towards the very end, James and his girlfriend came by with the stray doggie since Brad had said that we might could keep him (oh boy – James was trying to get rid of him and was either gonna take him to a shelter or find a home for it) and so they came and talked to us until like.. 2AM. James brought us his doggie crate to keep him in at night so that’s what we did. After they left, watched the rest of the movie then went to beeeeed. Looks like we just might have a 3rd doggie now, hah.
Yesterday.. woke up around noon. Then around 1PM? maybe? Brad thought he heard Abby outside and SURE ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS ABBY, YAY! Thankfully. Brad and I then spent until 2:30PM expressing our love for each other, if you get what i’m sayin, hah. Got up and let the doggies out then I went and got a shower. Then we hadn’t turned on Trev’s lights yet so I looked over and he was a really, really dark gren color and i’m like OOOOOH SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS HE OKAY?!?! Brad reached in and he was so cold! 🙁 I was like OH MY GOSH!!! He was freezing to death! He was still breathing so Brad got him out and heated him up with some of his own body heat. Poor little guy.. he had delayed reactions and we attempted to give him food but he wouldn’t eat at first. Finally, once Brad held him for a bit, we put him back in his cage under his heat lamp and I gave him some food. He finally after a while came back to life and ate all his food. I feel so horrible. We nearly lost him! I would have been so so so so so so very sad. I love my Trev. I’m leaving his heat lamp on all night tonight so that he WON’T freeze to death. When he gets too tired/heated, he can go and sleep in his heating pad. My poor little lizard…
So yeah, then a bit later, Brad let Abby and the little guy out to use the bathroom and Abby came back inside but little guy ran off, pffffft. Brad was like oh well! Hah. Abby puked in the living room and it smelled UNGODLY. Brad nearly gaged trying to pick some of it up haha. Ain’t no tellin what was in it. Still smells a little like it in here. I’ve been trying all evening to make it smell better. Brad then left go to Red Bay with our loads of laundry to get that done. Well, he got the washing part done but then a bunch of mexicans came in and took up the dryers, haha. He called me and told me. He came back home with a truck full of wet clothes. We hung some towels outside then I went with him to his Aunts house to dry a load over there. Once that got goin, we went BACK to Red Bay to see if there were any dryers available. There were still some mexicans but there were actually dryers open! YAY. So we sat and watched our clothes dry and washed our couch cover + abbys pillow and blanket since it had vomit on all of them. *sigh* Got back home around almost 8PM and still hadn’t had supper and so much laundry to fold and had a doggie vomit smelling house. I sprinkled down some carpet fresh on the rug and then vaccummed. Gave Abby then little guy a bath – had a time with that. Then Brad and I folded the ton of laundry and put that all away and finally ate our supper. We were going to watch the other DVD we got at walmart, Elektra but it was already 10PM so Brad went ahead to bed. Put the doggies into their crate/cage and I’ve been here at the computer ever since pretty much, hah. James came over with brand new speaker set and we talked for.. like almost an hour then he went home and here I am.
Shew. It’s been quite the last week or so. OOooooh, the BUFFY SEASON 2 DVD SET shoooould be here this week, I’M HOPING TODAY THAT WOULD BE SOOOO AWESOMECORE TIMES TEN. *SQUEEEEE*
Well, I’m going to go eat my late breakfast and watch the doggies play. Later!