Know what annoys the HELL out of me?! When a few certain guys I know ALWAYS have to think their #1. That their ALWAYS better. The fact that they always have to comment on the things I eat, watch, buy and even my ANIMALS!!!! It just PISSES me off SO MUCH. I always just ignore their comments when I should stand up for myself and tell them to keep their damn comments to themselves, yenno???? BUT! If their gonna come in my house then If they don’t like what I watch, eat or the way my animals look or behave or how loud they are then I only have a few words for them.. GET THE HELL OUT! :pissed: This keeps happening over and over and seems like anytime they come around, they always have something negative to say about something concering me, what I like and my animals. I’m so sick of it. I don’t go to their houses and say things like that to them!!!!!! :yell: Thank GOOD. NESS. That Brad isn’t like that. I couldn’t put up with it. Just couldn’t. And more importantly, wouldn’t!
There. That’s my ranting for the week. Onto something a bit more upbeat.. American Idol!!! Again, Chris was purely amazing Tuesday night. His voice was straining with the 2nd song he performed but I thought It was still great. Paris is now gone from the competition… I actually thought she was quite cute. She was pretty good but someone had to go and I was hoping It wasn’t going to be Elliot since I’ve become quite fond of him! :grinny:
Some really, really good news! Brad’s Mom (who lives in Nebraska and has since late May 2004) IS gonna get to move back down here! Which is good because then Brad’s younger sisters will get to see their family and Brad’s Mom desperatley wanted to move back down here to be closer to Brad, espically after his bad, bad wreck back in March. I can’t wait to see his 3 younger sisters again. When they came for our wedding in December, the girls had already grown so much since the last time I saw them!!!!
AWWW! Abbys puppies are growing so much!!! The 2 almost solid white puppies are males and they are quite a bit bigger than the other 2! SO FAT! The other 2, one is almost the same colors as Abby and it’s a little girl! Then there’s the runt.. he’s a solid brown color and is smaller than the others because he has a clef pallet (sp?) which is a disfigurement with his mouth to where he can’t suckle milk as well as the other pups. He seems to be doing okay though. I love going out there and just watching Abby and the puppies. It’s soooo sweet to see her just laying with them.
It actually was quite muggy and humid outside today and still was when I went outside not too long ago. It was thundering and lightning too but It doesn’t seem to be doing anything at the moment. We’re supposed to have some storms so maybe it’ll rain and cool it off a bit. We had to run our air conditioner almost all afternoon to keep it cool in here but that A/C is definetly a lifesaver!!!! :thumbsup:
As far as site wise, I’ve been attempting to come up with some new ideas for content. I’ll try to work on some of that. I also need to update a few links here and there – I’d like to join more fanlistings and OH I’m gonna look into upgrading Greymatter to WordPress since I know WordPress has many, many nifty plug-ins and things. I’ve tried it before but I didn’t like how the archives were set up but later after I went back to Greymatter I found an archive plug-in I believe It was.. to where they would show a whole list of your entries month by month with entry links, like I have it set up on here for my Greymatter archives. Actually, before I upgrade I’m gonna look for that plug-in just to make sure I can actually find it before I do so.
IÂ can’t believe how fast these past 2 weeks have went by. This week has flown by too. Tomorrow is already Thursday!!! As always, can’t wait for Friday so Brad can get paid and we get to go places and hang out and such!!! Yaaay!
K. I’m gonna get started on a few things for this site while I continue to listen to my burned mixed CD! Have a wonderful Thursday and if I don’t get to update – have a great weekend!!!