My big ole belly at 30 weeks!!!

Here’s whats happening with my little one…
At week 30 of pregnancy, your baby can pee about a half a liter into the amniotic fluid every day!
Other fetal development that is occurring around week 30 of pregnancy includes the following:
* In male babies, the testicles move from near the kidneys through the groin en route to the scrotum.
* In female babies, the clitoris appears large and exposed because it is not yet covered by the folds of the skin called the labia.
* The baby’s head is getting larger.
* The early lanugo is disappearing. There are still patches on the back and shoulders.
* The eyelids open and close. Much of the time your baby has its eyes open and is looking around.
* The bone marrow is now responsible for making red blood cells.
In preparation for breathing after birth, your baby will mimic breathing movements by repeatedly moving the diaphragm. These movements are rhythmic and may even cause your baby to get a case of the hiccups if amniotic fluid is accidentally inhaled. This is normal — do not be concerned.
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Can’t believe I’ve only got (about) 10 weeks left until I meet my little girl! I’m so anxious! UGH and I’m about to go bat crazy because things as far as baby showers and baby items aren’t going as planned.. I’m ready to set up the nursery but am waiting on baby showers!!! If I had the money I’d just buy all the items but I don’t so I just have to wait and remain crazy, lol. Most of my baby girls body is WAY up high. Yesterday she was even HIGHER than she’s ever been – right under my boobs and then she moved or kicked and yeah, owie lol. I looooooove feeling her! It’s so great.
Now I have to talk more about love, lol. With Brad, I still feel that same love for him I always have. Last night before he went to bed, I sat on the bed with him and talked about his work while he gazed lovingly at me and played with my hair. It’s just little moments that make me realize how lucky and blessed I am. Before my nap this morning I was thinking about the baby and Brad and just cried and cried because of how happy and again I say BLESSED I am. I’m just so thankful. Our little family that I’m so happy to have. <3