I was gonna post last night but I was sooo tired, lol. Yesterday Brad’s Mom took me and Katie to the health department to see about getting on WIC. She was supposed to come get us @ 1PM and arrived a little late because of other stuff going on and then when we were almost there, we stopped for 10 minutes in construction ugh. The appointment was at 1:30PM and we got there about 2PM. Waited and waited and waited. Finally got called back and went through paperwork blah blah. After I was done with that and found out we did get approved (barely) then me and Katie went back to get her weighed, get me weighed and took my height. Asked more questions.. took my blood, yawn yawn. Had to come back to the front where I was before to sign more paperwork so I gave Katie to Brad’s Mom in the waiting room. Brad’s Mom fed her just a little and then apparently Katie was laying in a way where her poopie came out the side of her diaper lol right onto Brad’s Moms shirt! So in the waiting room there we had to clean her up and change her diaper heh then we were all done there so off we went! Went and got ice cream at Dairy Queen then headed back to my house — It was after 4PM when we got home so Brad was waiting, lol. Just as we were about to pull up at home, Katie started screaming coz she was hungry heh so Brad came right out, grabbed her and went inside lol. :] Ooo and Brad’s Mom found a dresser for us for Katie’s nursery! We just have to paint it, yay!!! Brad has off today so a 3 day weekend with both my loves = even better<3

oh hiii :]
our bitty girl!!<3