SO last week was a very fast week – I mean, weekdays always went by relatively fast but now with Katie the week goes even faster. Nothing too big happened just day in day out. Friday of course Brad was off so we went and printed off pics to send to my Mom of Katie and then a bit later our friends came over YAY! We had fun and got to play their Wii + Mariokart! I want a Wii so bad now lol. Brad and I might buy one soon mwahaha. Our friends left about 10pm? Yesterday was grocery shopping at Wal-Mart! I actually got to go through a little bit of the baby shower gifts lol. Today was laundry + randomness. We went over to Brad’s Moms house to see about spray painting the dresser she got for us for Katie’s nursery. We didn’t have enough spray paint so tomorrow we’ll have to buy some more to finish it off then we can bring it home and I can finally really start to work on the nursery! WOOT WOOT.

Katie D is 4 weeks old today!!! (Aww look at her on the little video monitor!) I bought her some new onesies this weekend heh.
This week = Wednesday Katie will be 1 MONTH old! Thursday is her Doc appointment and then Friday Mom is having surgery at noon. Please pray for my Mom.. I want everything to go as smooth as possible for her!
Have a good week!