There’s nothing worse than having your phone ring constantly. It seems that your phone just won’t stop ringing! I know It’s happened to me before. Perhaps this same annoying 1-800 number keeps calling you. You answer and find that it is those annoying telemarketers! Whatever they were trying to sell My Mom used to always tell them, “Nope, sorry” and hang up the phone. You don’t have to keep getting these pesky telemarketer calls! Log onto to look at why and who might be calling you from that certain number that keeps popping up on your caller ID. Then you can finally see about stopping the constant calling from those annoying telemarketers. We all want peace in our home and a ringing phone can cause unwanted stress espically from a number you don’t know. If you have more than one annoying caller you can also look up others on the website.
I’m still a child at heart when It comes to cartoons! I will sit and watch just about any cartoon even now! What can I say? I’m a sucker for cartoons. Speaking of cartoons, have you heard of the cartoon called The Sproutwells? It’s about a veggie family who is just trying to fit into a human world. You can catch The Sproutwells on YouTube!
In this clip the Sproutwells get a new pet named Fido! I have to say Fido is my favorite. What can be better than a veggie doggie? Haha! Check out the video for a little laugh or atleast a bit of amusement. Feel free to show off the Sproutwells video on your blog too! Once you’ve done that go to freshfunds for more ripening ideas! With fresh funds you can eat Chiquita and Fresh Express products to save money and get reward points. With these reward points buy awesome products or bid on items. I would personally bid on the Wii fit for myself.
I was just reading about Hurricane Gustav and Louisiana. They are getting everyone out of there – which is awesome. BUT. Some people are actually wanting to stay? Ummmm. Are you out of your mind??? I told Brad about it and he said there would be NO doubt that If we knew a hurricane was headed our way soon we would be OUT of there! Use *COMMON SENSE* people! You want to live? Yes? You like your life? Yes? Then leave town when a hurricane is said to be headed your way, duh! My biological Mom lives somewhere in Louisiana so I hope she can get somewhere safe If she’s in the path of it.
Here in NW Alabama we might get a bit of Gustav’s wrath somewhere between Monday and Wednesday. It’s said that we’ll get tropical storm like winds, rain and possibly even tornadoes. Eesh! I really hope everyone on the coast in Louisiana and Mississippi can get out of there before It hits. Please call your friends and relatives If they live along the coast to make SURE they know what’s coming their way.
Summer is just about over but why not make one last vacation to end the summer on a good note? With Trusted Tours and Attractions there are plenty of different ideas to start your vacation planning off right! Espically with their online travel guides so you can be on your way in no time. The most humorous vacation I have had was when I was visiting my Aunt one summer when I was a teenager. She lives right near Atlanta so we went to Six Flags and The Renissance Festival that year. I can’t tell you of all the fun and enjoyment I had! That is one summer I will remember for the rest of my life. I also have to mention when I was a child my Mom took me and some friends up to Stone Mountain Park and I got to see their laser show. It was really, really awesome! They have tons for you to do at the Stone Mountain Park. If you live near or are going to plan a vacation to Atlanta then see what all you can do while you’re there!.
Oh! Another place that I would really enjoy going to would be the Madame Tussauds wax museum. They have locations in Las Vegas, New York and Washington DC. With Trusted Tours and Attractions you can get discount tickets for some of the greatest sightseeing places in 23 different cities of American. If you do decide to plan a vacation soon and need help on ideas for it then sign up for the Trusted Tours and Attractions newsletter and you enter to win a Magellan’s Gift Certificate worth $150! Hurry though because this offer ends today!!!
(this is a sponsored post)
I need some cheering up =( Just so frustrated. I wish Brad could get a job NOW. Yeah yeah blah blah they all say the time will come BLAH BLAH. I mean what If that time is half a year? UGH. Just want to bang my head against the wall.
GRRR. I also want to see Mom. Christmas will be a year since I’ve last seen her. It would cost us about $200+ between gas, food and etc to go visit her. Also, we managed to get all our bills paid but Brad might have went a little negative in his bank account. Hooray!
I just want to crawl in a hole and hide.
I was born in Louisiana and definetly have cajun in my background. I really love spicy, zesty foods and espically shrimp. Any kind of shrimp will do just fine for me! I try to get shrimp whenever I can. My favorite though would have to be fried shrimp. I tend to get a lot of that when we eat at the Chinese restaurant here in our town. The coconut shrimp is also very, very delicious. Speaking of shrimp, there is a great shrimp and andouille cassoulet recipe by Chef Brian Landry who is also from Louisiana! You can check out his great recipe at Great American Seafood Cookoff. Please stop by and see the other recipes in the cook off and cast your top vote of the 5 and you can enter to win a trip to good ole New Orleans! I know I’d like to take a trip back to New Orleans where I was born. The shrimp and andouille cassoulet sounds absolutley delicious. It has sausage and Louisiana shrimp in a white bean casserole which makes my mouth water. With Louisiana shrimp you can’t go wrong with such a fresh great taste from domestic seafood.
Why not try out one of those top recipes for yourself and experience a new taste! Who doesn’t love delicious food?? I know I do!! Who knows what you can whip up in the kitchen when you really get to it. Sometimes I’m really in the mood to cook up a big meal. I still need to get more recipies from my own Mom to try out some of her more famous dishes so maybe I can keep the tradition of that meal going. Recipes are great to keep going in a family so It can be passed down generation after generation.
OK. If anyone comes upon this post, please respond. I’m interested to see everyone’s responses. I hope you won’t turn your eyes away from this post but to respond and share.
Are you religious?
If so, what religion are you?
Do you believe in God?
Any comments on religion?

I’m not trying to bring on a debate, just interested in others religion in general. Don’t think I’ve talked much on here about my religion. I used to not be very religious. I believed in God but that was as far as I took it. Brad has opened my eyes to religion and I am very thankful for that. If you don’t know this – Brad and I recently were baptized and converted to Mormons. I’m very open about religion now and hope that everyone is happy in their choice of religion because you should follow what you find in your heart is best. If you haven’t found a religion as I hadn’t (my family is baptist but I wasn’t brought up going to church so I didn’t really know much about religion or anything) then you must research and search your heart but If you don’t try you won’t find what you may need to bring you the most happiness. I hope I don’t offend anyone with this post on religion but since I have found religion It has made a very big positive impact on my life and I wanted to share my joy with you. Thank you If you read this post and I hope that you will search and search well for a journey that will lead you in the best direction.
If you have been searching for a weight loss diet and haven’t had any luck with Weight Watchers or the Jenny Craig diet then this just may be the better diet to go for! With this Fat Loss Guru you can still eat more food and start to lose that pesky weight! Dieting in this you could potentially start to lose 10 pounds every 7 days set in just a way to meet your certain weight loss needs. In 2006 I got to the highest weight I had ever gotten to and knew I needed to step forward to attempt to lose that extra weight. I’m still striving to lose more weight and If I can I would like to lose about 70 or more pounds! I’ve lost a total of 38 pounds since my highest weight in 2006.
It’s not gonna be easy but sometimes a diet is the way to go along with proper exercise. You can’t go wrong with this diet! It is simple to follow and it even comes with a great handbook so you won’t feel at a loss when you get confused on a certain food or calories. It is known that this diet can get you fat burning results in a much faster manner than with other diets such as Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig. Just like with any other diet If you follow the guidelines and stick with it you can see results even faster. It takes a lot of dedication, determination and will power to follow a diet and lose weight but you can do anything you set your mind to. The important thing is to not give up! Read up on and start your journey to a better you with the Fat Loss Guru website!
(this is a sponsored post)
UGH. Just want to rant a little…. money is evil. So very evil. I just wish the world didn’t totally and utterly revolve around money. Brad still hasn’t heard from any of the jobs he’s applied for and he’s applied for quite a few. He’s applied for the nursing home, Subway, the various plants in town, meter reader and I think a few more. We can’t keep going like we are.. something needs to come up. I’m trying my best to get more work online so PLEASE send out positive JOB thoughts for us. Ugh.. I do not like this at all.
Stupid money.. 🙁
Want a chance to win a laptop? You can enter the Charter Laptop-a-Day Giveaway and then will have a chance to win for 30 days! If you are interested in this then to enter this you need to order one of Charter’s services online which can all be found here. This contest is to begin on September 1st, 2008.
Laptop information:
- New HP Compaq Presario C770US Notebook
- Intel® Pentium® Dual-Core Processor
- 15.4″ WXGA Screen
- 2GB RAM -160GB hard drive
- DVD Burner
- Built in Wi-Fi and Ethernet
- Even a NEOtec Laptop Backpack!

Once you have signed up to one of Charter’s services you will recieve a gas card (with a value up to $100) and are automatically put into the contest for the chance to win a great back to school deal laptop! You can save on gas and win a laptop! How awesome is that? Sign up today for your chance!