Hi hi! I feel better as far as money goes – I was feeling pretty angry at money and I was really hoping Brad would get that job he had the interview for but I’m alright now. Brad and I took a huge step Sunday. We have been going to a new Church for over a month? I’ve never really felt “at home” in any Baptist church I’ve went to so Brad looked into The Book of Mormon and that’s when we started going to our current church and have went every Sunday since. We took the big step and both were baptized Sunday. I’m really glad I did. I feel so close to the people that go to that church. Each and every one of them are wonderful! I went with one of the ladies tonight for a ladies meeting/dinner and It was nice! After we were baptized one of the missionary guys gave us a VEEEEEERY nice personalized Bible that he said was from his family (he’s orginally from Utah) and I was so touched by that!
Katie D is doing very well! She likes for me to poke/touch her cheeks and she makes all kinds of faces and smiles + grins! So cute!! She’s coming up on her 3 month birthday! Awwwww our bitty girl!!!