Blinkies and such

Check out the things I made in photoshop and jasc animation shop:

I espically like the 2nd one 🙂 If you’d like a blinkie let me know!!! XD

Look at my silly girl:

Umm still no job for Brad 🙁 He’s been looking looking but no luck so far but I have faith he WILL get a job soon. I know that he will. I make a little money online and I’m hoping that I’ll be doing even more little jobs online soon which would be awesome. :]

What else what else.. God is good and I know he has blessed me with many things.

With the economy in such a mess right now It’s no wonder that everyone is having such a hard time with all their debt. People are losing their houses and their jobs. If you have debt that is overtaking your life there is a great Debt Relief website to look into if you are desperate to get that debt under control. On their main goal is to get your monthly debt payments lowered to a price you can handle and also to lower your debt level in general. They strive to help you save the most money you can while also helping you stay clear of bankruptcy. On their Debt Reduction Program people with serious debt problems can finally be helped in getting their debt balances lowered 50% from what they owe. The Debt Reduction Program can help you get rid of all your debt in possibly just 2 or 3 years If you take the appropriate steps towards getting rid of your debt. If you’re interested in getting rid of your debt as soon as possible contact FreedomDebtRelief from information on their website and work your way towards financial freedom. Other ways to help with your debt are things such as credit counseling, debt consolidation, bankruptcy and with a credit card monthly payment. Don’t let your family wind up in bankruptcy when you can get the right help you need.

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With it gives you all the information about Phentermine for those who are going to Buy Phentermine. The FDA approved this drug in 1959 and since then has been used to help people control their appetite and hunger so they may have a better chance at losing weight. Many studies have shown this particular drug to actually really help in the area of weight loss. As with any instances on trying to lose weight the diet pills will have more results with diet and enough exercise. The risks with taking this drug could include elevated blood pressure and increased heart rate. When taking this drug you are advised to watch for any side effects on the first few days of consuming the phentermine. The most important factor when looking into any diet pill is their value. Always read into a drug before you partake in including it in your daily life.

Currently our own kitchen faucet seems to be a bit leaky which can be quite annoying. The cold side seems to drip more so we tend to just leave that side cut off which means most of the time I wash the dishes in hot water. We’re thinking about buying a new one at some point. I would like to have an elegant looking faucet which would bring more to the kitchen overall in my opinion. I was looking at these kitchen faucets and some of them really caught my eye. See more at and pick out a new faucet!

If your a movie buff who loves to stay at home rather than go out to the movie theater to see a good movie then having discount home theater seating would be a great deal for you. You can stay at home and still feel like you’re in the theater seats! These seats even have cup holders and really comfortable leather for your own delight. Buy your discount seats and enjoy a new movie! I know they would be really nice to have when you invite over a bunch of friends for movie night.