That’s right! 😛 Long overdue for a new layout and woot just in time for February and Valentine’s Day! YAY YAY. I reallly like this layout! Hope you do tooooooo!!! 😀
Update on my exercise: I did two whole weeks of exercise. As in 7 days a week. Week 3 came up (last week) and by about Tuesday? My left knee started hurting. I ignored it. Then my right ankle. Ignored. I was determined to keep going. Got so bad that I was almost in tears. I know, I know. BAD. I did 30 minutes Wednesday and have been trying to get my knees and ankle to recover ever since. My knee feels almost 100% but my ankle still hurts pretty bad. Sigh. Hopefully It won’t take it too long to get back to normal. So I’ve lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks! GO ME! Can’t wait to get back in the groove.
Leave me comments! 🙂 I leave you with a pic of our beautiful girl Katie!