I’ll admit. Getting my life aligned as far as exercise goes was really, really hard. It took me from late 2006 until late 2008 to really start to open my eyes on how I needed to change my life and make exercise a high priority. It was rough mentally a lot because I was struggling with myself. It’s like since I’ve started this new go at exercise this year, my mind is clear. I know exactly what I want and need to do. I’m committed to keeping this lifestyle for good. And why not? Losing weight and living a healthy, long life sound like good enough reasons to me! It was hard at first because I didn’t want change. Now that I’ve accepted all this, I feel amazing.

I really love the treadmill. Also, see my mp3 player? Love that too!! Music really helps motivate me & I can’t say that enough!!! Another good day. It’s currently 70 degrees outside but the clouds have definetly moved in and It might rain tonight. That’s good though we need some rain to get those spring flowers blooming! I love the beauty of spring and just nature in general. Have you ever really sat and looked at nature? I LOVE it. Last night Brad stopped by the store and picked up some Acai Berry supplement pills for me! I’ve heard GREAT things about the Acai Berry so hey, If it’ll give me even more energy and boost my metabolism then I am FOR IT! While he was at the store, he went ahead and bought his list of new lifestyle food. He plans on checking out the gym Thursday and going from there. *HOLDS BREATH* PLEASE let him do this and stick with it. Read the rest of this entry »