I just sat down after I finished cleaning up our house! I got done with cleaning upstairs and I cleaned the downstairs area earlier today. I looove to have a clean house, makes me feel really good. LOVE being a housewife! Whole house smells so good thanks to my latest purchase of FEBREZE!
Today was my weigh-in day. I can’t help but be nervous every single time I weigh-in. It’s natural. I just prayed and prayed for ATLEAST my 1 pound. Got onto the scale and awaited the number.. 3 POUNDS LOST!! That’s 6 pounds I’ve lost in 2 weeks! I think that’s the most weight I’ve ever lost in 2 weeks! WOOHOO! Also, Brad mounted the pull up bar at the bottom of the staircase pretty high up and I LOVE IT. I’ve used it randomly today to do lean-back pull ups since I can’t do full chin ups since I’m not strong enough but hopefully eventually I can! I’m just so shocked I’ve lost 22 POUNDS in 3 months! That’s incredible for me. SO AWESOME. This is something I thought I’d NEVER be able to do and now I KNOW I WILL DO IT! Yesterday made 3 months since I started this new lifestyle and weight-loss plan. I’m soooooooooo happy !!!
All I’ve done today is clean, take care of babe, listen to music and called my Mom and talked to her twice — which is so nice. No one understands me or can hold that certain conversation like my Mom. Espically when I need to rant about something or when It comes to a question about recipies and ESPICALLY parenting!!
Tomorrow is Easter?!?!?! Wow. No big plans for tomorrow. Just church and hopefully watching TWILIGHT again tomorrow night! Love it. Alright, gonna go clip my nails then get Katie fed, bathed and put to bed! Have a good night!!!!!! Gonna watch this weeks DOLLHOUSE and possibly BONES episode tonight! YAY