AWWWWWWWWWWWW. I watched Happy Feet online with Netflix last night! Such a cute, cute movie!! Loved baby Mumble!
OK! Today I have felt so awesome!!!! The clouds moved in today and we had a big ole’ rain shower that gradually let up and finally later this evening stopped. We had a busy day so let’s get right TO it!
Regular morning routine in the order of breakfast, feeding baby, nap time for baby later on, eating lunch for myself, exercise then getting babe back up for more food. *takes breath* Brad went and picked up his work check then we all loaded up and went to finally cash the rest of our income tax! We’ve had it stashed away in a drawer, lol. Gotta be careful with how we spend this money because our other half we splurged just a bit too much. Cha-ching!
Decided I desperately wanted a hair cut and to get my eyebrows waxed so off to the salon we go!! Wax, wax, cut, cut! The hair dresser recommended Biologe ultrahydration for my hair so what the heck… I want nice hair so spent the extra money on fancy hair washing substances. Once done there we slipped into Subway since Brad was starving and we were just about to go to the grocery store so he didn’t want to be starving while shopping. He got a foot long sweet onion chicken teriyaki and I had a bite of it’s spicyness! Alright, off we went to get fooood for the week. I went looking for a nail filer and Brad found this neat home manicure kit for the nails so I bought that! It’s pretty neat! By the time we got back home Katie was MORE than tired and hungry so we had to listen to her cry and whine until I could get groceries put away and heat up and make her food. Eventually gave her a nice bath and put her to bed. Took that opportunity to jump in the shower to wash my hair with my new products! While I was waiting for my conditioner to set a while, I sat down and filled up the tub with water for a hot bath. Very nice!!! Washed out my hair then heated up our own dinner. Last but not least I went upstairs to fix my hair! Here is the final product….

TA DA!!! I’ve felt so good this evening and have been randomly dancing, lol. Definetly a great Thursday!