Since January until now I have really learned a lot about health and fitness. My health “buddies” are now my measuring cups, lol. If you are thinking about changing your lifestyle and eating habits and want to work out along with it, here are some nice tips that I’ve found throughout my journey so far:

1) LOG YOUR FOOD! Seriously! I use and highly recommend it
2) Measure your food. May seem like a pain in the butt but It REALLY helps you see the portions in actual size
3) If your working out quite a bit, make sure to get lots of PROTEIN! I eat an average of about 120 grams a day!!! It’s so important but on the other hand, If you aren’t working out, DON’T eat lots of protein because you don’t get the same outcome If you aren’t exercising
4) My new buddy condiment is Mr. Mustard. No calories in it! I haven’t had ketchup in forever until the other night and I tried a little on my hotdog.. it was HORRIBLE because I’m not used to it anymore lol
5) Try to eat a little slower, eat some then rest a few minutes then eat some more so that your stomach has time to let the fullness start to kick in – this really isn’t a problem for me because I’ve always eaten slow!
6) WATER WATER WATER. Don’t like the taste of it? Buy some flavor packs to put into it but get that water, it’s so important for your body!!!!
7) Make SURE to eat atleast your 3 main meals and then possibly have a couple snacks, not eating that much won’t help you, your body will go into starvation mode.

I’m finishing up my protein packed dinner! It’s very yummy. I can’t believe It’s Friday night already! Boooo, Brad has to go back to work tomorrow. I did a mix up of exercise today to add a bit of variety with the resistance ropes, treadmill and exercise bike and by the time I was on the bike, my arms were soaked with sweat. Had to rush, rush, rush to get things done so that we could leave quickly enough to leave to go grocery shopping in time to get back so Brad could leave with some guys from church. We heard there might be some storms so we were keeping an eye out. Got our grocery shopping done then came home and Brad left at 6pm to go with the guys. Maybe 20 minutes after he left, the wind picked up a LOT and the skies were dark and then Brad came in the door, lol. They decided It would be best for him to head home. It didn’t get bad though. Not too much went on this evening but It’s nice to just relax. I’m watching Smallville online – really starting to like that show!

Gonna finish my dinner and hang out with my lovieee!