Oops. Once again I forgot to post for yesterday but it was a few minutes before midnight and I said meh lol. Sunday was really decent – no complaints as far as church went. We came home and hung out then eventually Brad got grouchy and needed a nap haha. He got up around 8pm and we ate dinner then watched One Tree Hill!
OH MAN. I’m gonna make a suggestion for anyone who can’t afford exercise equipment… buy the WII ACTIVE!

It’s kindof similar to the Wii Fit but different in ways. Brad bought it last week and we tried out a few things but today I decided to pair it with my 40 min treadmill workout. I did a hard preset workout that focused on a mix of running, different squats and lunges. DEAR LORD. It’s super fun but I can honestly say It was H-A-R-D. When they say it’s hard, they mean it!! I did the incline skating exercise where you squat then jump. That was the hardest and I almost couldn’t do it because my legs were about to give out! With all the Wii Active exercises I burned 193.1 calories! Combined with the treadmill I burned over 600 calories today so I am SO pleased but I’m gonna be sore tomorrow for it I’m sure. My butt, lower back and thighs are already a bit sore but that’s GOOD STUFF so yes I RECOMMEND it! Brad is gonna give the 30 day challenge a shot and he’s gonna start tonight!!! 🙂 Oh boy oh boy I just hope he keeps going! That is my biggest wish!!!!!!! He told me he wants to build muscle and such so I KNOW he wants it, he just has to go go go!
I’ve definetly had a good start to the week and I’m looking forward to the rest of it!