Grr, forgot to make a post yesterday! Yesterday and today can be put into one word: AMAZING.
Yesterday we headed over to the kid park so that Katie could swing for the 1st time!!! It was a beautiful day. Well here I’ll show you!…

It was awesome! After we let Katie swing and showed her a little play area, we took a break to feed Katie and rest in the shade on the grass. Headed over to the tennis court to play badminton! SO MUCH FUN! Then before we left, Brad was attempting to throw water on me, lol so we both got a little wet haha.
Today was more of the awesomeness! I did a mix up of exercise today including the pilates machine, the Wii Active and then 20 minutes on the treadmill! Ladies from church dropped by after I finished my lunch and they stayed for maybe 20 minutes. Eventually wound up doing our grocery shopping and decided to buy a BASKETBALL and a pump lol. I love basketball and haven’t played in years and years. Came home, put away groceries and such. Brad changed a few light bulbs and put up our new shower curtain liner since our other one was getting icky icky! I ate a snack while Katie took a pretty long nap. I got Katie’s dinner ready and she still wasn’t awake at 8pm so I went ahead and got her up. Brad and I decided after Katie ate we were heading to our church to play some BASKETBALL since they have a net there. Katie got her belly full then we set out. It was so nice driving out there, there was just enough light in the sky to make it something to really remember. As we got closer, we could hear the night critters making their random noises in the darkness. Katie watched us in her stroller while we attempted to make some shots lol. I had a BLAST!!!!!!!!!! I feel so wonderful.
I’m so so so so glad I put exercise into my life. I kept saying in my head on the drive home.. remember this day, remember this second. I think about that a lot because my health, life and family mean EVERYTHING to me! 🙂 Brad just finished his Wii Active workout (I’M SO PROUD OF HIM!) and we’re fixing to go fix some dinner and he’s gonna make his HOMEMADE GRANOLA. OMG It’s so delicious!
Can I just say again how much I love my life?! My life has changed so much for the better. I’m so thankful to Brad for showing me into our religion because It has changed my WHOLE outlook on life!!!