Figured I would feature one of my favorite snacks today in this first post for food and fitness FRIDAY!
0.5 cup of Multigrain Cheerios
0.5 cup of Almond Dream Milk
1 drop of sugar free maple syrup

I completely recommend the Almond Dream milk because not only it is tasty but only 50 CALORIES FOR ONE CUP! When I found this milk, I was giddy. Yes, giddy. Over milk! NOM NOMZ.
Seriously. The sugar free maple syrup is now a FAVORITE of mine. I put a dribble on top of my toast in the morning with my breakfast and dribble it onto other snacks such as the mentioned one in this post. The syrup has a delicious overall taste to it and being sugar free, it isn’t as heavy on the richness as normal syrups and only 30 caloriers per 0.25 cups!

Don’t forget the CHEERIOS! I love the Banana Nut cheerios the most but we’ve been buying the Multigrain for quite some time now and they are awesome.
As for the fitness — get in a nice 30 minute walk daily and that will help you get some fresh air plus all the beauty of nature and a chance to clear your mind! All that will help you sleep better and we all know a good nights rest is vital to functioning day by day. Make some time for your health!