There is NOTHING more important than those and I will not let anything stand in my way of keeping God, my health and family top priority. Remember I posted how I was trying to figure out my body fat percentage? I did some measurements today and apparently my percentage is around 30%, YES!!!!!! I cannot believe it. I was feeling PUMPED today! I did 3.5 miles on the treadmill and was really getting into it, WOOT. Seriously, I love running. I once only DREAMED of being able to run and now I can!!! The highest speed I’ve ran at so far is 8.0 and to think I started out at barely being able to do 2.0 WALKING. I haven’t done 3.5 miles in a while and I can tell by how hungry I am right now so I better get a snack soon! Ugh, my left upper cartiledge ear piercing is infected I think so I’m hoping It won’t close up. I’ll keep an eye on it and hopefully be able to put the earring back in sooner than later.
Still working on my new layout and I’ve got it together but I have a lot of other work to do on it like colors, fonts, etc etc but I’m hoping to get it on site soon!