Oh my! I must say dinner last night was so delicious. We tried out the cauliflower “mashed potatoes” and WOW, they are AWESOME. Hello my new favorite side dish! Check out this plate full of yummy…

And yes, I do love to mix my peas with my potatoes! We baked the shrimp a bit longer than usual and It turned out even better than the last time we baked them. Porkchops are one of my FAVORITE meats. Of course I love fried pork chops and that specific taste It has but I know baking is so much better for me and the porkchop was just as good! Espically with all the great seasoning I used to coat them with. I’m excited to eat another meal like this on Sunday!
Also — WE FINALLY HAVE SUNSHINE OUTSIDE! The last few days and possibly even the last WEEK have been nothing but dreary, cloudy and too cold for my liking. It’s going to be a bit warmer today but tomorrow is going to be the nicest day with a high around 70 degrees. YES, I want to see 75-80 degree weather please?! I’m so ready for it! I need a tan, lol.
Since I’ve made all these changes in my life I’ve been getting quite a few people who have wanted me to help them change their lives. I LOVE helping people with their eating and exercise. I was reading some articles about motivation and that’s the thing. I can help people and give them ideas, tips and suggestions all day long but as far as motivation – that has to come from that person all on their own. We have to put our words into actions. Instead of saying we “might” start to make healthier choices we have to kick into MOTIVATION and say we WILL work to take steps to eating healthier and exercising. It seems when I help people they rely too much on the thought that I’m going to magically give them the motivation but no, It takes digging for that inner strength that will give us all the motivation to keep on that healthy path towards healthy minds and bodies.
One of my top tips for healthy eating:
Plan ahead! It’s so important. If you are constantly on the go or are busy all the time, take some time in the evening to prepare healthy meals so that you can grab them and go. It’s about choice though. You can either prepare ahead of time or not and instead be subjected to choose quick, unhealthy choices such as fast food that is going to leave you with few healthy choices and waste many, many calories that could have been used more sparingly on HEALTHY foods that will give you fuel for your day. Yes, I have to make sacrafices and TIME to cut up all my fruits and veggies that are in my fridge. Yes, I have to make time to prepare our dinners every night but is it worth it? YES, every SECOND. Our bodies are worth it.
As always, I know that I owe EVERYTHING I am and ever shall be to my Heavenly Father. I do confess and say that I love The Gospel. I’m thankful for this life and this day and know that He helps my motivation grow that much stronger day by day. Faith, love and determination play a big part in my motivation! What motivates you? Another one for me is MUSIC!!! Get up, be active, take steps towards motivating yourself towards a healthy lifestyle and be POSITIVE because we can do anything we set our minds to as LONG AS WE BELIEVE!
“Don’t stop believin'”