I wanted to blog about something I read today about the pressures in our lives. When we tend to obsess or worry over one certain thing then we always end up getting no where! When we finally “let it be” and stop putting so much into it is when we find out exactly where we REALLY need to be. Examples?
When I had trouble getting pregnant I spent most of my hours obsessing over my body temperatures and various other things that “might” help me get pregnant but guess what? When I finally stop obsessing SO much then It happened! Same with the article I mentioned that I read today on weight loss. I have been obsessing about my weight and calories when really, I know what I need to eat and to do but I guess I just fear falling back into old ways but I have to LET IT BE and just continue forward and put my faith totally in God’s hands. My body is still recovering and It’s so crazy because some days I just want to EAT and I’m never full — I’m not usually like that. I usually have no problem just eating my meals and going about my day but I’ve gotta listen to my body so that I shall do! Speaking of… I took a decent nap today and It was really, really lovely. I’m hoping next week I can get back into some sort of exercise plan and make sure I have enough REST, FOOD and WATER so that I can make it work in the right way.
Well, we’ve decided to trade the car back in and get something else. It’s definetly not a family car and It’s too loud, has a terrible sound system and has many various other things wrong with it so we’ll be going Monday to see what the salesman has on the lot then. I hope he’ll have something we both want at that point and I guess If not we’ll keep waiting!
I took a few pictures of the new house! I will post more once I get more accomplished.

Our living room!

The kitchen! Where I spend most of my time.

Katie’s room!

The very TINY bathroom but It’s been completely redone so it is nice!
That’s all that I took for now. We’ve got more STORMS moving in tonight and some possible severe weather once again for this weekend. Alright, off I go to use my organizing skills to put this house together!