I started my day off with pre-workout fuelz…

half a naner and some cashews
I decided to go SOLO this morning. Usually I use a workout DVD or the Wii Active game for my Wednesday workout BUT I decided to do my own 15 minute circuit workout with misc exercises with the resistance ropes plus crunches, reverse pull-ups, jumping rope, jumping jacks and push-ups. Oh and not to mention some random dancing afterwards haha. Then onto 15 minutes with the exercise bike, wheeee!
Ran about the house doing my usual morning routine of Mommy and housewife duties then finally fixed my BREAKFAST and sat down to do some online work!

1 whole wheat waffle topped with sugar free maple syrup, banana, raspberries, cinnamon and cottage cheese. 1 scrambled egg with 1 turkey sausage link, cottage cheese and a bit of tomato, onion and spinach. side of apple slices!
Insert more online work being accomplished along with Katie going about the living room babbling and playing. Yes, this is my daily life heh. Once Katie was down for her nap, It was time to get LUNCH together.

sandwich thin with deli ham, tomato, mushroom, mustard, spinach! veggie/bean salad plus 2 crackers and a side of mixed FRUIT
The afternoon wasn’t very interesting except for the usual singing and babble talk with Katie.

1 cup mixed nuts & cheerios+eggo/cinnabun cereal, 1 scoop chocolate protein powder blended with 0.5 cup chocolate silk soy milk AND AN ORANGE
This evening I called my Mom and talked to her for a bit before getting ready to put Katie to bed. After I put her down for the night, another snack was in the works!

0.25 frozen cottage cheese and cut up peaches, banana, mango and grapes plus half a pure protein chocolate deluxe bar
My hubby came home and killed tofu online… true story. Yes, he is my nerd.
I decided tonight to try our SHIRATAKI noodles that we picked up while in Georgia. We made this reciple usually with ramen noodles so figured we’d give it a go with the shirataki. We combined 2 eggs, soy sauce, hot sauce, salt, pepper then put the noodles and eggs in a pan to cook the eggs then topped with a light sour cream. Pretty good!!!

shirataki noodles and egg mix! 2 nibblers corn on the cob plus Marie Callendar’s lime chili shrimp, chicken and veggie
This is currently sitting in my freezer waiting to be put on a cone for my dessert….

4oz oikos chocolate greek yogurt blended with 1 tablespoon whipped peanut butter, chopped banana, peaches and a little bit of angel food cake
For a total of around ~1600 calories! WOO. How was your day?? Off to relax with my love, eat that delicious dessert then get ready for another blessed day tomorrow!