LOOK LOOK what came this morning right after I finished breakfast….

FITBIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was so excited that I immediately tore open the package and got right to the PRIZE! Downloaded the software from the site and BOOM, It was already tracking my various stats! Also, for the time It wasn’t actually “calculating” this morning from before I got the package, they “estimate” the numbers for you based on your BMR which is calculated with your age, weight and height. I LOVE IT. It’s nice to be able to finally see a calculated number of calories burned instead of just saying, “This might be the number I burn.” I’m also way excited to try out the SLEEP feature tonight. You put the FitBit in a sleeve that you put on your wrist while you sleep and it calculates how long it took you to fall asleep, how many times you woke up and how long you actually slept so I’m highly interested in that! I have learned SOOO many lessons in the area of weight loss since starting this whole thing. From my lesson of eating too many carbs to not getting enough sleep! Many, many lessons learned and FULLY NOTED. Wow, since I’ve been varying up my workout schedule the last almost 2 weeks I’ve been SORE so I know It’s working a lot better! In fact, my arms are really sore tonight from the kettlebell workout yesterday. GROW MUSCLES, GROW!!! I decided to go with a various speed and incline jog and run on the treadmill for today and It was tough! Good stuff.
Well, well. Today I went to get Katie up and her diaper truly gave me an interesting experience! Lately she’s been peeing a LOT. She peed so much while we were grocery shopping Tuesday that It ran down her leg. Ugh… I’m guessing we’re gonna have to up the diaper size to 5 and get ready to POTTY TRAIN. Diaper-free you say?!!! OH YES, PLEASE. Anyhow, this morning I went to change her diaper and It was so full that the beads had exploded I guess?! Uggggh. I got her all wiped down and whatnot then had to take her bedsheet outside to shake out the gel diaper beads. We switched to Luvs a while back since their a good bit cheaper and my Mom always raved about them so I figured why not!! They’ve been pretty good up until recently but I definetly don’t want diaper gel bead explosions every morning, haha. Oh, the experiences of parenthood and everything that comes with it.
Days go by so friggin quickly! Last night, Brad and I attempted to watch The Ugly Truth on our TV with Netflix online and our Internet kept stalling so we only got to watch 30 minutes but I look forward to watching the rest tonight. Gerald Butler is YUMMY.
Speaking of yummy… a snack is soon to be made for my tummy so I’m off to the kitchen to feed myself and Katie!!