WE HAVE WASPS. I really, really do not like wasps. I swell up from a sting and in the past when I’ve tried to swat the ones that get in the house, I do a terrible job then they chase after me and I would sometimes get stung. I’ve been finding one almost EVERY DAY in our utility room so Brad tried to investigate and found that they are residing in this open pipe that leads directly into that room! He stuffed some plastic bags in there then sprayed the bags with something. I sureeeeely hope that keeps them away. We need to buy some wasp spray and get rid of the nest wherever It may be in that pipe.
It’s actually a little cooler outside?!! WOO. After the usual this morning, I got a Wii Active [More Workouts] in and WOWIE, It was actually a really killer workout! I burned 250 calories and was sweating quite a bit! I used to go walking outside every week day with Katie but now I just go on Fridays. I got Katie all ready and set in the stroller and we headed out. The breeze was nice!!!!!!! We strolled for about 30 minutes before coming home. Of course the usual toddler fit came to pass as I guided Katie back inside but she eventually got interested in her toys. I went to the kitchen to fix my post-workout snack!

Some H2O in my Nalgene water bottle, a fresh peach and a protein shake which had half a scoop of chocolate protein powder, a few banana slices and 2 little strawberries! Yummy to the tummy.
Katie continued to play and also pose for me! Heh.

For the rest of the evening! I’ve got to work more on my talk for church Sunday, fold some laundry and then you have the usual Mommy and housewife duties! I’m thankful for everything I have. Thankful that I started to eat healthy and exercise. It’s never too late to start incorperating small healthy changes!!! Start NOW! You can change your life one small step at a time.
I’ve HAD a new layout for a long while. Well, It’s a downloadable theme that I put my own header into and am going to fix it up more but I just haven’t had the time to tweak it! I’m hoping this evening I’ll have some extra time to squeeze in for that. I really miss doing more web design!!!