I really need to be around some positive people and positive energy… I’m starting to feel angry and the little things aren’t exciting me like they used to. I seriously wish my Mom lived here so that she could babysit Katie and I wouldn have a break from temper tantrums, crying and all the struggles of Motherhood. Right now Katie’s crying just seems to make it all worse. I miss feeling excited and happy. I try to be patient and strong each and every day but when you feel like you’re in a circle that’s never ending… It’s hard. I try to get Brad to be positive with me and he’s struggling to be positive so I don’t get positive energy from him.
If it weren’t for the Internet and house chores, I would probably have already lost all sanity. Also, the church and The Gospel have been a blessing in trying to keep positive even though all these things have been happening in my life that have been hard. I know I am strong and that I will make it through anything and everything this life gives me. I just need to keep busy with righteous!!! Speaking of keeping busy, I cleaned house today. I really like our little kitchen!

There’s still a few things I’d like to get done but I’ve got another to-do list to finish first. I need to finish a few things online, finish the rest of my church talk for tomorrow, look over more material plus the usual house and Mommy chores.
I just have to try to build up my own positive energy I guess! It’ll all work out, I know that.