I am certainly a person of DETERMINATION! When I want to do something, I really drive for it. Espically when It comes to healthy living and exercise! Once my estrogen plummeted, my motivation was CUT along with my energy! This week has really shown me that my body is hopefully moving in the right direction because I’m starting to feel that drive for determination and motivation. It feels GREAT. We ALL have that drive but It’s just “lighting the flame” under our feet to get it going.
It’s been a WONDERFUL day! I got up this morning and got Katie ready to watch a Carebear movie while I got some treadmill time in. I wound up doing 3.5 miles in almost an hour! I was DETERMINED to burn atleast 500 calories and whaddya know… I got to 545! Katie hasn’t been outside in a while so after I finished on the treadmill, ate a snack and washed dishes I got her ready then we went outside! When we moved into this house, our landlord still had a whole pile of their things in the house so I boxed and bagged it all to pile up on our back porch. They said I can put it away in storage If I wanted to since their always too busy to get it and I just never had the MOTIVATION to move it from the back porch to the barn. WELL, I decided TODAY would be that day. I was already dripping sweat from my treadmill workout and so even though It was a bit warm outside, It felt EXCELLENT to me!!!! I made lots of trip back and forth from the barn and wound up whacking my head inside the barn quite a few times since the ceiling is quite low. I also hit my head on a nail that was sticking out of the wall…… owe. I’m hoping It won’t bruise! Katie had so much fun! She would go back and forth to the barn with me and we’d run back to the porch. She collected some sticks and just walked around. We were outside almost 2 hours I think and I burned around an extra ~400 calories along with my 545 on the treadmill so close to 1,000 burned through exercise! I gotta make sure I eat enough to make up for all that!!!! My arms were already sore last night from yesterday’s kettlebell workout and I carried some HEAVY items out to the barn today but hopefully I won’t be in too much pain tomorrow, lol. Fine by me!!!!!! It was almost 1:30PM so Katie and I came back inside. I fed her a snack, washed off her hands and face then put her down for a nap. She was still asleep the last time I checked her video monitor. When we came back in, I grabbed a protein bar since I knew I needed something! Here’s the finished product of the back porch!

The area beside the mower used to be piled all the way down the porch with STUFF so yay! I feel VERY accomplished! I also went outside and swept it off to get rid of all the leaves and such. Before fixing my hair earlier, I grabbed a banana for some carbs!

I fixed my hair and just ate another snack. I still have 2 other snacks planned before dinner which will include my french toast and a chocolate protein shake! Do you remember going swimming as a kid then when you came home, you felt good but really tired? Yeah, that’s me! I like feeling this way though! I’m going to get Katie up soon then let her play. I still REALLY want to focus on this site and since I FINISHED all my online work yesterday (WOOT WOOT) then I have extra time today! I also have a load of laundry that needs to be folded so the rest of my day is filled. I bet I will get some REALLY awesome sleep tonight! I know I did last night.
Alright, I’ve rambled enough for now! Have an excellent evening and remember, we ALL have that determination and motivation. I hear so many people say, “I just don’t have the motivation” and I say to that — but you DO! You just have to push and drive yourself to gain that motivation. Go for it !!!!!! ALL things are possible through Christ! Live, love, believe and find the motivation to take you further!