Whaaaaaat a day! Brad is off Mondays and Tuesday but I usually still wake up around 8:30AM or so and go ahead and get up. WELL, we went to bed late last night and so when I woke up this morning — IT WAS 9:45AM! Ack!!! I got straight up and got to it! Brad also got up at the same time as well. Ate breakfast then got Katie up, ready and fed! I asked Brad to get dressed and take Katie outside to play while I got my exercise done and so he did! It was nice because I got to exercise alone in the house!!! WOOOHOOOOO. I did a workout on the Wii Active then got on the treadmill for the other half of my workout. Brad and Katie came back in when I was almost done. Once finished with exercise, I went into the kitchen to eat my post-workout snack, wash some dishes then got a nice shower. Our church friend was coming over to look at our vehicle so Brad fed Katie a snack then I let her play with her spoon in her highchair while Brad went outside to talk to him and I fixed my hair. Brad was outside for a looong while and so I decided to take extra time on my hair!
Our friend left and Brad came inside to get a quick shower then we loaded up much later than usual to go grocery shopping! Shop, shop, shop! We made it home and I put away groceries, Brad fed Katie a snack then I put her down for a verrry late nap but she needed it. I made myself a snack then FINALLY got to sit down then not long after that Brad left for his church meeting. I got a few other things done then It was time to start dinner! I eventually got Katie up around 8PM, fed her, got mine and Brad’s dinner finished then put Katie on the potty before giving her a bath. She was already pretty whiney when I got her up and I didn’t know exactly what the deal was UNTIL I put her on the potty! She sat there for a few minutes then she actually struggled, cried and finally made a poo! Her tummy was bothering her… poor girl. It’s so hard when they can’t tell you what’s wrong! I gave her a nice bath, got her all ready for bed then rocked her for a little before laying her back down.
LOOKIE what our neighbors gave us!!! A whole lotta COLORS.

PEPPERS! I love SPICY but wowie, those are quite the kickers. I put a few in with our chicken and I could only eat one because It really lit up my mouth, hah.

I just finished eating this yummy dinner! Yes, we eat a LOT of baked chicken but we don’t mind eating the same meats. The side items were steamers broc, cheese, cauliflower and some sweet peas! YAY PEAS!
Anyhow. Waiting on my love to get home and going to eat my YOGURT DESSERT CONE soon. I’m really tired and hoping to get a restful nights sleep! Here’s to a brand new day tomorrow!!!!!!!!