I really like to plan out my meals and snacks for the day in the morning and I was thinking about my overall items that I eat. I came to the realization today that I eat too many products with ASPARTAME! In the morning I mix my water with powder apple “flavoring” which = ASPARTAME. If I fix a protein shake I add artificial sweetner which = ASPARTAME. I chew gum that also has aspartame! I started buying this flavored water that I drink with my dinner… yup, can you guess what It has in it too?? ASPARTAME. I threw away the powder and sweetners, poured out the flavored drink and put the gum in the kitchen drawers with Brad’s gum and If he wants it then he can have it! It’s a brand new pack of gum. I need to eliminate all that from my diet. Once I thought about it, that’s quite a LOT of aspartame even in one day!!!!!! NO MORE! I know that’s not helping my body in any way and It may EVEN be help hinder my weight loss progress! I used to have a really clean diet when I first started losing weight then I let things slip into my diet that became routine but I want to get back to as clean eating as possible! The ONLY two other things that aren’t fully “clean” that I partake of is my sugar free maple syrup (has Splenda in it) and my cool whip (that has high fructose corn syrup) and I’m gonna think of ways to tone down or switch to something better on those items. My body needs the best!!!!!!!!
Eesh. Today has been ANOTHER busy day! I got up and ate breakfast, got Katie all set up with a VEGGIE TALES movie (so cute!) then got on the treadmill. I was going along and then the treadmill showed all 0’s? I’m like huh?!!!! The power had went off but came right back on so It messed my time/distance/calories up! I think I wound up with a little over ~3 miles and 520 calories in about ~50 minutes or so. I really want to be able to run 2 miles straight again but I just can’t seem to? I just don’t have that full energy still just yet but just gotta keep striving for it. I ate my post-workout snack and NO sweetner in my shake! My white nectarine wasn’t sweet this time but It was okay. Got a quick shower then let Katie down to play in the living room while I continued MORE online work. Work, work, work! I put Katie down for her nap at 2PM and my stomach was growling! DEFINETLY lunch time!!!!!! I fixed my lunch and my love came home for his break so we both ate then he headed back to work. I worked some more, laid on the bed and fell asleep for like 10 minutes.. tired! I fixed my hair, ate a snack and finally finished my online work!!!!!!!!! Eventually got Katie back up, made a few phone calls then fixed another snack.

Got dinner ready and fixed, ate a very delicious chocolate deluxe protein bar (that left me wanting ANOTHER!), fed Katie then It was potty and bath time followed by reading her counting book to her plus a little cuddle time before finally putting her down for the night! My dinner is waiting in the fridge! Thought I’d post this entry before I ate. I’m ready for sleep already, lol. Have a VERY VERY busy weekend! I usually clean on Saturdays but since we’re gonna be busy, I’m gonna clean house tomorrow. Tomorrow till Sunday afternoon are gonna be packed!
Know where I’d love to be for a week??? BABY-FREE, on a beach with sand and sun with lots of time to just sit back, relax and have a good time! Ah, I can dream right?!! I KNOW I am strong because of my Heavenly Father and I will hold tight to my faith NO MATTER WHAT. I’ve got to keep a positive attitude about this life and I am going to strive to each and every day. Hope everyone has a great evening – I’m off to EAT and dare I say relax?!