I’ve really come to know that life is all about BALANCE. ESPICALLY in the food and exercise department. I’m a hardcore person so when I get into something… I give it my ALL and THEN SOME. When I started to lose weight, I went for the low carb, low fat and high protein diet and KEPT it there for a long time. I also did NOT have my information correct as far as exercise and calories go. I had it in my mind that I had to cut out 500 calories a day from my eating and still do 4-500 calories worth of exercise. WRONG WRONG WRONG. Months and months of all this caused my estrogen and progestrone to get extremely low so I’m still working to restore those with birth control pills. It’s SO IMPORTANT to find your own body’s balance. The RIGHT balance is getting a 500 deficit with your exercise AND eating combined. For example, this week I’ve been burning around 350 calories through exercise so that means I have to cut 150 from my calories. Luckily, I have the FitBit so it tells me at the end of the day how many calories I burned on that day and I have a pretty good idea even before midnight of how much It’s going to be for the day since I’ve had the FitBit for quite some time now. So yes, too MUCH exercise can definetly throw your body off because that’s what happened to me. I’m excited to see what the next few months will bring with this new balance!
After my usual breakfast this morning, (BTW I meant to take a picture of it but by the time I remembered the food was gone lol) I decided to use a Wii Active workout from the original Active instead of the More Workouts and I burned a little over 100 calories! I got Katie up, fed, ready then let her watch cartoons while I jogged 1.5 miles straight on the treadmill, YIPPEEEEE SKIPPY! Felt GREAT!

Afterwards, I ate my post-workout snack which consisted of my small chocolate protein shake and also a very awesome peach! I got a shower then decided to take Katie outside for a little bit since It felt SO GOOD outside!

She loved it — of course! We stayed outside for a little over 30 minutes then I brought her back in for the usual snack then laid her down for a nap! She was NOT HAPPY at all, hah. She threw a fit and I finally went into her bedroom and told her to calm down and go to sleep! I fixed and ate lunch then my handsome man came home for his work break! He was looking around online for a transmission for the car we bought from our church friend but only found pretty expensive prices and then he had to leave BUT our church President called him and said that he was going to buy this car from our friend and If he gets a good deal when he buys the car, we can have the transmission for FREE! WOW, that would be awesome!!!!!!! *holds breath* After Brad left, I eventually fixed my hair and was getting hungry so I fixed a delicious snack. ONE OF MY FAVORITES.

Small sweet potato with spray butter, pepper, cinnamon and then I saw I needed a few more calories for the day so I put a tablespoon of my whipped peanut butter on top. I SERIOUSLY could eat sweet potatos EVERY DAY and I’m so glad I bought a few small ones to have as snacks this week! Their sooo good and VERY healthy for you! Once I finished that plate of goodness, I called Mom! I had tried to call her earlier and got no answer. Apparently her phone has been acting strange all day but I got her this time, yay! I was really hungry after talking to her for almost an hour so I made another snack then got Katie up. I still wasn’t quite satisfied so I ate my chocolate protein bar and just finished a few grapes. I can never eat too many fruits and veggies so If I have to reach for something then those are things I can definetly reach for!
Plans for this evening? Just the usual for tonight. Brad’s trying to work some overtime so he’ll probably get home the same time he did last night which was around 10PM instead of getting home at 9PM but hey, extra money is exactly what we need right now so right on! I have a feeling good things are going to start falling into place for my health now that I have this new balance and I just have a good vibe about everything! I’m thankful for my life that my Heavenly Father has given me. I’m thankful for my husband and our beautiful daughter. I’m thankful for The Gospel and all that It has brought into my life. I’m thankful for Heavenly Father for opening my eyes on what I need to do with my life, body, health and how I can live righteously! Will you let HIM guide you in your life?? Let those new doors be opened by Him and they WILL open If we will all just follow his commandments and strive to be as good as we can be!