I love The Gospel. I want to share everything I know about it to anyone that will hear of it! Why? Because It has blessed me in so many different ways. Do you believe in God? If the answer is yes then If you have not — give your heart to Him. Take part in coming unto Him and repenting of your sins then being cleansed by the way of baptism then to receive the Holy Ghost which will help lead and guide you in this mortal life. It’s not easy being a mortal but with our Heavenly Father and his PLAN for us, we CAN be happy and learn to overcome all the obstacles that are set on our paths in this lifetime. I’m not just saying all this to merely utter words, I am saying these things because I know with all my heart that they ARE indeed true! For all those that cast away the words of our Heavenly Father and do NOT follow in that path will surely be lead into a life where Satan reigns their daily activities to be led away from happiness and everything Heavenly Father meant for said person to have. I know I want to be happy so I will strive each and every day to follow those teachings to lead me in the right direction and I pray that everyone else may too. Before I joined the church, I believed in God but that was IT. I didn’t study scripture, I didn’t go to church, I didn’t explore the blessings that I could partake in IF I would just do those things and let God surround my life and everything I do and say. I’m so glad I opened that door. Won’t you? I say to all that may read of this – repent of your sins and come clean in the sight of God. The blessings that come from this will bring happiness into your lives that will change you forever. I can testify of this! I pray for all children of men on this day.
It’s been a lovely day!!! HAPPY FRIIIIIIDAY! I got up, did a 200 calories custom workout on the Wii Active then got Katie up, fed and ready to GO for our usual… dun dun dun – can ya guess? FRIDAY WALK! We actually walked for about an hour! The breeze felt wonderful. I do throughly love being outside.

I stopped and reflected on all the beauty around me. The sky was blue and at first I didn’t see any clouds but as I was walking back towards home, I noticed a patch of clouds and decided to take the above picture! I sang songs to Katie and we made our way back to the backyard. I went inside to grab a few things then put her shoes on and let her play while I read some religious material.

I could not WAIIIT to get back from walking so I could drink some cold H2O and also my favorite choco deluxe protein bar! I had put it in the fridge earlier so It was chilled too! I savored every bite… I sure did! While sitting and reading while Katie played, a pretty little butterfly apparently found my Asics a comfy place to land.

Katie and I came back inside and she got a snack then I let her play with a big spoon in her highchair while I went to get a quick, yet relaxing shower. Afterwards, I rocked her for a bit before putting her down for nap. She did NOT want to go down but I was calm with her and tried to tell her that a nap was necessary for a tired girl like her! She continued to protest after I left but eventually rolled over and went to sleep. My stomach made it known unto me that It was hungry by the way of quite a few growls so I got everything ready for eating!

I LOVE this lunch combo ~ peanut butter sandwich (which also contains cinnamon, few banana slices and also a little chopped up apple!) paired with a tiny boiled brussel sprout and spinach salad and of course a yummy peach! That definetly hit the spot! I haven’t eaten anything since then and that was 2PM when I ate and it’s nearly 4:30PM but I’m going to hold out as long as I can! If I’m not hungry, I’m not going to eat!! Really trying to get my appetite in line and so far It’s working!!!!!!! That makes me SUPER excited! Brad came home for his lunch break and he isn’t having the best day… he didn’t work overtime last night (but just a few minutes over) and he hasn’t been doing his exercise. *Shrug* All I can do is encourage him! Anyhow, we didn’t really say anything to one another until he was leaving to go back to work. I studied more scriptures then fixed my hair! IT’S SO SOFT! Yippeee!
I imagine Katie will be up very shortly and I plan on folding laundry, studying more scripture, potty training with Katie, fixing snacks and dinners and making the best of the remainder of my Friday! Hope everyone is having a great day too! Rejoice on this day for it is a day the Lord has made!