This morning I got all the usual done and was all ready for EXERCISE! I was geared up and ready to run 2 miles on the treadmill. I hopped on and the treadmill came on but when I pressed the 4.0mph… NOTHING HAPPENED. I attempted again, nothing! WHAAAAT. My heart sank! Had the treadmill completely died?! I got Brad to look at it. He started to take it apart and to have a peek inside. I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy about the potential of not having a treadmill anymore???! NOTHING was going to stop me from running though so while Brad messed with the treadmill, I told him I was going to go running outside. Now, I’ve attempted to jog outside before and couldn’t keep going — same reason why I couldn’t on the treadmill because I was going too fast or using too much energy at once. I got out to the road and TOOK OFF! I wanted to NOT STOP for 30 minutes! I kept going.. and going… turned around while running then came back and kept GOING. I went until I had like.. 40 seconds left then I TOOK OFF as hard and as fast as I could. It FELT SO AWESOME. I DID IT, I DID IT! I was soooooo happy! My only problem? Well, I didn’t get it all straight in my head so by the time I was done running, I had quite a ways to walk back home but that was okay! I enjoyed the view and It was overcast but felt soooo good. I came back home and Brad had FIXED THE TREADMILL! Apparently, there was too much friction going on with the belt so he had to fix that! I ate a snack then Brad and I got a shower while Katie watched a movie in her highchair. I started some laundry, fed Katie a snack then let her play until nap time. This evening we went by the store to get a few things then came home and Brad rocked Katie then put her to bed eventually. Wowie that run and the extra burn of calories really zapped my energy! Been going all day so It’s so awesome to sit down now!

We’re going to study scriptures together then watch more of THE TUDORS! It’s getting really good!!! I plan on running outside AGAIN tomorrow — just not as much since I’ll be pairing it up with a Wii Active workout. Have a great night, God loves you!