“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” ~ Philippians 4:13
Life gives us many obstacles, doesn’t it? People question all the time as to WHY they must go through these hard times and trials. It’s because this mortal life is a TEST! We are given those obstacles to exercise our trust and faith in our Heavenly Father. We either stand up and strive to push forward with life or we crumble to become overwhelmed with stress, anxiety, worry and disbelief. I used to feel so helpless in my trials but now I feel the opposite when something challenging comes my way. Instead of expanding upon the stress or negativity of the matter, I search for a PLAN, a strategy to help guide me to not be so quick to give up or become so disarrayed by whatever It may be. Our Heavenly Father will NEVER give us more than we can handle. He knows our thoughts and what is within our hearts and has a plan for each and every one of us. I pray that others may not harden their hearts away from the happiness of life even when those hard times fall upon us… and they do. They will. It’s part of life. Like there is good, there is also bad. There is always an opposite as there is good and evil – back to Adam and Eve! Life is an endurance test of our faith! Face those trials with a steadfast and immovable faith.
HAPPY SEPTEMBER!!! Sheesh, I remember when we brought in the New Year of 2010 and now we only have a few short months left until ANOTHER New Year will come upon us. With this month comes Labor Day, October is Halloween, November is Thanksgiving and December is Christmas! I have felt WONDERFUL today!!! I got up and did the resistance band workout DVD plus a few other misc exercises before getting Katie up, fed, ready and set to watch a movie! Thank goodness for Netflix and the Children and Family section! I try to limit her TV time to about ~2 or so a day and sometimes not at all! Anyhow, she was set so I got on the bike! Wowie, my thighs are really sore but I’m SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT. That is one area I definetly need to tone so just gotta keep workin those thighs! I did 13 miles in 22 minutes, which, I can usually do 13 miles in 20 minutes but I had to push extra hard because my legs were sore but I GOT IT! I’m always soaked after the bike workouts and I looove it! I enjoyed my h2O and protein bar then switched out Katie’s toys for “new” toys! She has a BUNCH of toys so I change them up every once in a while since I don’t want to have a ton of toys out at once. I got a shower then fed Katie a snack before letting her see her “new” toys and she was occupied for the next 45 minutes! I started my online work then rocked the babe a few minutes before putting her down for nap. Of course — once again, she threw a big ole screaming tantrum when I put her down but TOO BAD! I don’t mess around, lol. I had to go tell her to lay down 2-3 times before she finally gave up, rolled around and went to sleep. My lunch was soooo good. I ate a veggie burger and I usually toast my bread but today I decided just to leave it as is and I actually like that a lot better than toasted! My lunch “combo” today was veggie burger with light mayo, mustard and spinach leaves paired with a small spinach and boiled carrot and brussel sprout salad (the only thing I add to this salad is a little black pepper and spray butter! I haven’t used salad dressing in a long time!) and OF COURSE a…. PEACH!
Brad had a meeting at work so he didn’t get home for his lunch break until a little later. I had already finished my lunch and was working online. It felt GREAT outside this morning so I had the windows open and our floor fan in the living room but then It got REALLY warm around 4PM this afternoon so I had to turn on the air but plan on opening the windows again once It cools off for the evening. I FINALLY HAD A SMOOTHIE AGAIN THIS AFTERNOON! I haven’t made one in forever! I’ve had lots of protein shakes but not a smoothie… until today! I blended ice, spinach, 1/4 cup blueberries, half a nanner, half a scoop choco protein powder and voila! I used to put tons of artifical sweetner in my smoothies! The only thing I added to this one was a little light brown sugar and It was actually REALLY, REALLY good! WHOOP WHOOP! After Katie got back up this afternoon, I continued online work and have had 2 other snacks! My usual cereal/cottage cheese/apple/carrot/cinnamon/sugar free maple syrup mix and I just ate french toast not long ago. I’m going to snack on some turkey slices while I fix dinner here soon!!!
Just had a thought… I haven’t been on the treadmill all week but will be tomorrow since I can’t run outside with Katie. Well, I could attempt to run with her in the stroller and I’ve done it before but sheesh, jogging with 30 extra pounds is not exactly a joy ride, lol. I love my treadmill too though!!!
I look forward to dinner, dessert and RELAXATION tonight – going to study scriptures at some point too 🙂 and I hope everyone has a great night!