I get so overwhelmed some days. I have a lot on my plate but I just TRY to focus on the positive and try to uplift myself but some days no matter how hard I try, It weighs on me and again I try to focus on The Gospel and God to see me through these times. I’m attempting to make some big decisions in my life that will only BETTER myself and will be for the better for my family too but It’s just asking those questions and taking the steps to see If it is truly what needs to happen. Just need to pray for guidance…
Alright soo this morning I set Katie up and got on the treadmill and was DETERMINED to once again jog 2 miles straight and… I CAN SAY I DID IT, again! I held a steady pace the whole time and was so pleased once I reached that 2 mile point, wooooooooo! I took my sweaty self to the kitchen afterwards to drink some water and fix my protein shake and had a PEACH that wasn’t quite ready to eat but I did anyway! Once I got a shower, I took Katie out of her highchair and she threw a fit (as usual) so I went in the kitchen to do a few things and I finally called her in there and put on her socks, pants and shoes so we could go outside for a bit. We got outside and I tried to call my Mom… no answer! I studied my scriptures for about 30 minutes and tried to call her again and success!!! I talked to her for almost an hour then brought Katie inside for something to eat. Brad came home for his break and I put Katie down for nap and OF COURSE she threw a total meltdown fit again. Brad left back for work and I fixed my hair and haven’t done anything too spectacular this evening BUT BUT BUT! THEY ARE BACK…

TURKEY BURGERS!!!!!! Finally a break from baked chicken, lol. I love chicken but I also love turkey burgers! I put some spices in them and cooked away! I fed Katie dinner then bathed, rocked and put her to bed!

Here is my plate allllll ready to go! Turkey burger with PEAS and black eyed peas! I’m currently enjoying them right now and It’s nice to have a change in the main course item. Brad is supposed to go running with some guys from work tonight so I hope he gets out there and enjoys it! I wish we could run together. Hopefully one day we can.
I think once I finish dinner I’m going to study some more scriptures.. that’s exactly what I need to do. Enjoy your evening everyone! May God be with you till we meet again!