I will say today has been quite pleasant! Brad woke up early to get ready to head out to the church conference and he woke me up around 7:30AM or so and so I laid there for a little then finally got up and he left a little after 8AM so I stayed up a bit then WENT BACK TO BED! It’s very, very, very RARE for me to get to sleep in ANY at all on Sunday so I felt excited to be able to do that for once. I stayed in bed till almost 9:30AM then got up, fixed my breakfast – which was my usual bowl of FRUIT and OATMEAL! I put a little too much light brown sugar in it so It was extra sweet but extra good I’ll say! I got Katie up and we eventually went outside since It felt wonderful!!! Stayed out there for almost 2 hours? I talked to Mom on the phone and walked around the yard a bit. Brought Katie in to play while I ate a snack then fed her and Brad finally came home!!! Katie played until nap time then protesting and all I put her to bed. I was getting really sleepy so I ate my lunch around 2:30PM then Brad and I went and laid down and took a loooooong nap!!! I kept waking up every now and then but didn’t get out of bed until after 5PM… YES!
After we all got up and everything situated, I ate my sweet potato and peanut butter COMBO snack then we headed out for a nice walk!!!!!! It felt so good outside and still DOES! When we got back, Brad and Katie stayed out on the front porch while I came in to get a peach and went outside with them for a few minutes before fixing Katie’s dinner and getting things ready for our dinner. Brad fed her then eventually bathed her. I got her ready for bed then Brad rocked her and put to bed for the night! We had some ALONE TIME, heh. Now we’re sitting here eating our dinner… which consists of LOTS of beans! We’re pretty much out of food so I had to use whatever we had. We need to get a ride tomorrow to run errands, pay bills and buy groceries since we’re out of everything!!! Ooooo soon we’re gonna watch the LAST episode of The Tudors! Can’t wait!! Here’s our dinner – baked chicken, refried beans, veggie baked beans and field peas!

I’m feeling better overall so I’m excited to see how I’m gonna feel once my body really starts to balance the hormones and recover!!! It took me 4 days to get my appetite in order but yesterday my eating was GREAT and today has been even better so just gotta keep up the rest, minimize the exercise and try to enjoy life!
Here’s to a great Sunday evening and an AWESOME week ahead!!!!!!!!!!! God loves you! THANKFUL, GRATEFUL, BLESSED for everything Heavenly Father has given me. I owe it ALL to HIM!