I have felt so MEEEEEEEH today! I do not like it one bit. Not to mention my appetite today has been out of control.. making me feel that much more miserable but I gotta take it one day at a time. I’m ready to be out of this SLUMP I’ve been in for so long. We watched The Time Traveler’s Wife last night and It really touched my heart!!! Felt a lot of emotion from watching that… which is good for me espically right now. I guess I should probably have a mushy love movie fest one night to help get my emotions rolling.
Not much excitement around here today. This has mainly been my day…

Once Katie was up and had a movie set I did a short workout on the bike then took a shower. I let her play while I did my online work. Insert more working. She had the usual nap eventually and I did more work. Fixed my hair and was waaay too tired so I took a long nap then got up and continued work. This evening has been the same – online work while Katie plays plus fixing dinners. Katie’s tummy was bothering her but she did go on the potty so I know she feels better! Put her to bed and I just finished all my work and am waiting for Brad to get home… apparently his friend from work is bringing him home but he wanted to stop by his house since his friend is having a Halo get-together, ha.
I’m ready to eat dinner and watch last night’s new SEASON EPISODE of ONE TREE HILL! I seriously need to focus on something else besides all this mess in my head. Ugh. Things will get better for me – I know it. I have faith in my Heavenly Father that HE will see me through this and I will be as happy as I know I deserve to be and can be once everything gets back in order for me.. I know most of it is the unbalanced hormones. I will always be thankful for my life no matter what I’m going through.