Let it be known that CHARITY NEVER FAILETH!! There is so much goodness that comes with charity and love. The church has shown me that in so many ways.
Today was busy but I got everything done and did wind up going to the church meeting. I cleaned house this morning then after putting Katie down for an early nap, I started our dinner for late tonight then fixed my lunch. Eventually ate snacks, got ready, woke Katie up, gave her a bath then fed her while waiting for my friend to arrive to take me to the church. Here’s Katie playing in the chair while waiting for my friend.

I had been contemplating on whether or not to go but was led by that Spirit that cried out — yes, I needed to go and I’m surely glad I did for the talks did touch my heart to soften and I’m thankful for that. Katie got to go play with the other kids while I watched the conference on the TV in the chapel and beforehand, we got to eat so I ate a little chicken, little potato salad and a good helping of salad while Katie got a good bit of chicken and potato salad. I know I struggle with my own life, mind and thoughts that lately have been trying to lead me astray.. away from meetings when months ago I was ready and willing to go to these meetings at the drop of a hat. Where is that willingness now? I’ve gotta dig into my heart, set my emotions, hormones and spirituality straight once and for all and be the Saint that I know I can be.
I’m waiting on my love to get home! He worked an hour overtime tonight and so when he gets home, we’ll eat together! We didn’t get to watch any shows last night since a church friend stopped by but If tonight goes as planned then we’ll try to atleast watch The Office tonight and If not, there’s always tomorrow! I’m so thankful for Heavenly Father and my life. My handsome husband and our beautiful, precious daughter. I’m gonna strive to show as much to them as I can.