The weather is just downright GORGEOUS! Seeeeeeeeeee?

Today has consisted of lots of WORK. Katie woke up wet this morning so I had to give her a quick bath before her breakfast then while she played I started my online worrrrrk. I got DONE too, woot! I got dressed and put Katie in her highchair to watch some cartoons while I did a ~17 minute workout on the exercise bike. I had a little snack before and after the workout to try to keep me fueled! It worked. I got a shower then fed and put Katie down for nap! Everything happened a bit later today so I had a very late umm… lunch? More like lunch-afternoon-meal.
OH, we watched last weeks One Tree Hill episode last night and It was soo good! I’m SUPER STOKED about watching last nights Biggest Loser episode tonight, squeee!!! I don’t have too much on the agenda for this evening except the usual. I really want to get the message out wherever I can about healthy living! It’s so important and as I’ve went through ALL THIS – from the time I started “living healthy” then making all the mistakes I’ve made and now to taking steps to fix those and TRULY be living healthy.. I have realized just how much I LOVE everything to do with healthy living! I realize that my body is so important and that I must take great care of everything I eat and everything I do.
What healthy choices have you made today? We all have to start small. I started out in the beginning of my journey with cutting out certain things completely and then as time went on I also would switch to healthier options in different areas of my daily menu. It’s one choice, one day at a time. They TRULY do add up to big changes and differences If we stick to the healthy living. Hope everyone has a great and HEALTHY day! God loves you!