Katie and I have not had a good relationship lately. Between my hormonal imbalance and not being able to deal with stress as well, It’s also stressing her out and therefore we are not in harmony with one another either. She’s really acting out and gets very upset very easily. I’m trying my best to change things to help the both of us and I know If I keep being persistant both our stress levels will go down. It was another GORGEOUS day so after relaxing a bit this morning I decided to go for a 30 minute walk outside with Katie since I haven’t been outside walking in a while! It was so nice and VERY breezy!

Katie is too big for her stroller now! I’d really love to buy a jogger stroller so once I get my energy back I’d be able to actually JOG with her but this little bitty stroller is not runner friendly! In the past I would set out for walks and only intend on walking for 30 minutes… maybe an hour and then wind up walking 2 hours! Today I walked 15 minutes one way and 15 minutes back making sure It was only 30 minutes.

WOW. It was just the other day It seemed like not ONE leaf had fallen onto the ground and then BOOM… the leaves really started falling all of a sudden! After Katie and I got back from our walk, we sat out in the yard and crumbled the fallen, dead leaves. I love to do that. Just sit and play with the leaves. Katie does too!
That was our lovely stroll! I’m off to call Mom then get a snack before starting dinner!