Saturday night, Brad told me that we’d be having a whole house full of people over that I’d never met except for one of the guys…. uh, okay wow! Brad works with 2 of the guys and they wanted to bring their friends over to play D&D. It was so nice!!!! I’m hoping we can make a few new friends that could hopefully become closer friends. They arrived like 7:30PM and I went to bed a little after midnight and Brad said they left about 1AM. We haven’t had that many people in our house in a long time! 🙂 Excited! I hope they wanna hang out a lot more.
I was so tired last night and so tired when I woke up this morning. I eventually got up and fixed breakfast and we just kindof hung out until after 1PM then got ready to head out for groceries! One of the guys that came over last night works at Wal-Mart so we said hello to him! I picked up peanut butter cookie dough Zone bars! I tried one tonight… delish! Brad has been eyeing herbal teas for a while now and yes, we are Mormon but It’s been stated that we are to avoid black, white and green teas but herbal teas are okay. It’s all about personal choice though – no one forces us to NEVER EVER drink green tea again but It’s all about keeping our body clean. We decided to buy 2 different kinds of herbal tea and our favorite was mine… tension tamer! IT IS SO GOOD and has wonderful things in it that will hopefully help me tame some of my every day tension and stress that seems to overwhelm me. We came home and I got a few things done around the house. We watched the lastest episode of Fringe – AAAAAAAAAH. OMG. I cannot WAIT TO SEE NEXT WEEK! We still need to watch the latest One Tree Hill and The Walking Dead plus I want to see Toy Story 3 tooooo but I don’t know If we’ll get all that done tonight or not.

Also can’t wait to study scripture with my lovie! :love:
What TV show or movie are you eager to see???