It was warm enough last night to open up our bedroom window! In fact, I woke up randomly during the night because I got pretty hot. I was woken up early this morning by the sounds of rain and wind!
AWWWWEEEEEEEE. We watched Toy Story 3 today and It brought me right back to my childhood! I was raised on Disney movies and remember when the first Toy Story came about! I really enjoyed the 3rd movie and did cry at the end! Of course my all time favorite Disney movie, The Lion King will always remain at the top of my list!!!
Re-cap of my day:
– Toy Story 3
– online work
– cooked dinner
– folded laundry
Just finished a Zone bar and some Tension Tamer tea! Waiting for 8pm to bathe and put Katie to bed then once again wait… for my love to come home from his church meeting. Now I leave you with love…

What’s your favorite Disney movie? Have you seen Toy Story 3?