I’m more than READY to feel like myself again! I went online to check our health insurance status since we upgraded recently and Brad was worried it wasn’t active yet BUT I went to our account and we are active so I’m calling in the morning to try and get an appointment ASAP! Everything points to adrenal fatigue and my gyno did recommend about a month ago that I go to my family Doc and get my cortisol levels checked so I’m going to tell the Doc my whole story and see what happens! I’m anxious but also excited to see what happens. Well, IF I can get an appointment and IF my church friend will be able to take me. Also – woke up this morning with a little sore throat. GREAT. Katie’s had a runny nose for a bit now and so I really hope I don’t get sick. I’ve felt pretty dragged today on top of my everyday usual fatigue so I’ve just been laying around all day.
Brad and I wound up going to his Dad’s side of the family Thanksgiving dinner last night. I thought about staying home since I’ve been feeling tired but I went anyway even though I also kindof wanted to stay home BUT I’m glad I went! It started raining later into the evening and then got much COLDER. It was cold and rainy on the way home and today has been even COLDER. Tonight = EVEN COLDER. I’ve been freezing all day and trying to stay close to the portable heater. I was going to watch the Biggest Loser “Where Are They Now” special last night but by the time we got home and settled It was around 10:30PM and the special is a little over an hour and 30 minutes so I decided to hold off UNTIL TONIGHT! WOOT!
🙂 😛
Gonna relax tonight, attempt to stay warm, watch the special and just chill with my love once he gets home! PRAYING for good results for tomorrow… I’m ready for a turning point. Ready to have the true ME back! THAT IS FOR SURE!