Oooooh my goodness. It’s COLD and only going to get COLDER! BRRR! Temp says 34 but feels a lot colder!
I love this – yes indeed.

Gonna make this short since Brad and I are about to watch the remainder of the movie THE EXPENDABLES that we started to watch earlier today. It was a good day! Went to church this morning and all went well – I’m now in the children’s class so it’s new and… interesting!
We came home and put Katie down for a nap then got all comfy and TRIED to get warm since this house stays so cold. After a bit that’s when we started the movie The Expandables then our church friend called and invited us over for dinner so we paused the movie and left about 5:30PM or so and it was wonderful! We got to eat some chili and talk. Katie got to play with their kids and It was overall just a very good time! Got another pretty full day for tomorrow but I’m glad.
… Not glad for more cold weather though, BRRRRR!!!!!!