I was so verrrrrrry cold this morning! For most of the morning I had gloves on and layers of clothes. I decided to skip on exercise today since I really needed to buckle down and get the rest of my online work finished so that’s just what I did. Katie played and then we took a break so I could feed her lunch and then when we came back in the living room she still wasn’t happy. She eventually laid on her blankie and almost fell asleep so I went ahead and put her down for her nap. I’ve been a little more hungry today and a little more tired. In fact, I’m feeling tired right now.
Just thinking about a lot of things. I just don’t have that motivation I used to have and I know my body is out of whack so that has thrown me off completely. Everything from my thinking, my motivation, my eating habits — everything! I just gotta keep a steady routine and give my body all the rest and relaxation it needs so I can get my motivation and everything else back.
One day at a time. Gotta hold on tight to hope and be positive. I’m finding that really hard though…