This is what we woke up to this morning…..

The weather had mentioned we “might” get some snow and usually here in Alabama when they say we “might” get snow, we usually don’t or we just get a few flurries but to wake up to pure white that was sticking was a nice Christmas treat!

Katie had a good Christmas this year! Her favorite item I would say is the magnetic drawing erase board we got her. She got very upset when It was time to put it away tonight, hah. Once we helped her open all her gifts then I went into her bedroom and organized things and took her toy bucket in the living room (that was OVERFLOWING with toys and that wasn’t WITH Christmas pressies!) and I downsized it so that It wouldn’t be overflowing.
It’s already getting way colder outside and gonna keep droppin! We might get a little rain but will be getting more snow tomorrow and still bone chillin’ cold too ANDDD church has been cancelled so we get to sleep in!!! WOOT WOOT. For Christmas I got new washcloths, lotion, body spray, necklace+earrings, jacket, watch and I think that’s it? Brad got a handful of things too but I’m just blessed to have everything Heavenly Father has given me! I’m thankful for the birth of Jesus Christ and everything that came into play to allow me to be here at this moment in time.
From about April of this year onward has been mostly bad.. we’ve been through a lot as a couple and as a family. Truth be told – It’s pretty much been the worst year of my life. We didn’t even decorate any for Christmas.. that’s how unmotivated I’ve been and that’s totally NOT the usual me!! I’m READY FOR THE NEW YEAR!!!!!! I want 2011 to be as awesome as 2009 was but even BETTER than that! Already have quite a few goals and things lined up for this coming year and I can’t wait for it. I’m ready to get back to feeling like the TRUE me again but I know It’s gonna take time and taking care of myself.
We’ve got TWO more episodes of the latest season of Dexter to watch and It’s SO GOOD, aaaaaaah!!! I think we might watch both tonight, mwahah.
I hope everyone has a WONDERFUL CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!