Yes. We all have the potential to be anything we want to be If we can just find that potential and let it shine in our lives. We made a choice to come to this Earth and gain this body and I look around and see all this beauty in front of me. The beauty of nature, the beauty of life itself. If more people reached out to others and also worked on building their potential then the world would be so much more peaceful but where there is light, there is darkness so we have to take the good with the bad and try to find a BALANCE.
Balancing life is hard, isn’t it? I’ve really been trying to focus on that since I changed my life in 2009. Balance between family, exercise, housework, religious callings and duties, personal religious study and everything else that life throws in there. Then you can break it down even further.. like balancing out the right foods and still having a treat here and there. We can all find the right balance but it takes practice, time and consistency.. just like anything else. If we keep climbing, keep trying, keep reaching then we will get to where we need to be. We deserve happiness and balance. YOU DESERVE IT! Don’t give up the fight for a balanced life… It’s worth it!
I’m excited to see what 2011 will bring. February is so close… wowie! Life goes by faster and faster each year. You never know how true that is when you hear it as a child from your parents until you grow up and one day turns into another YEAR then you realize… It’s so true. I’m so thankful, grateful and blessed for everything Heavenly Father has given me in my life. I’m thankful for opening my heart fully to God and the comfort I have found in Him and HIM ALONE.
Sending out the love to you! God loves you and so do I. We have potential. We are special. We are children of God. We can do anything and everything we set our minds to as long as we have faith and believe.. never give up hope. When times seem so tough just remember that this too shall pass and you will smile again.
Life is beautiful.