Oh boy. Okay. Today is day ONE of the full on juice cleanse. I got up early, fixed some hot tea + lemon to sip on with some water. The senna leaves in the tea definetly got my colon working, hah. I fiddled online then decided to go back to sleep until it was time to get Katie up. We haven’t done much at all today. It was extremely hot outside today… heat index got over 100!!! No way I was going out in that while I’m trying to conserve my energy. I did a colon cleanout when Katie went down for her nap.
It has definitely been tough! My last green juice earlier today was not appealing and left my stomach feeling drawn up… or maybe that’s from my stomach shrinking. I dunno. I did not want anymore green juice after my 5pm serving so I’ve just been sipping on water, unsweetened almond milk and just recently had a hot cup of herbal non-caffineated tea.
I’m just going to take it one day at a time. It has for sure tested my mental capacity today but I know I will get through it. I wish the green juices tasted a little better… or wish I could atleast use fruits in them but I can’t since my whole problem might be the yeast overgrowth in my digestive tract and I don’t want to feed “it” ANY KIND of sugar. I’ve read plenty of articles about juice fasting and they all say it gets easier anywhere from day 7-11 so just gotta use that willpower until then.
I am strong.