After my morning tea + lemon this morning, I sat down to watch the latest Secret Life episode online. SO SAD!!!!!! I woke up with bowel cramps that didn’t feel too good. I went to lay down afterwards and nap until it was time for Katie to get up. While Katie played, (and randomly threw fits) I got some more school work done. She went down for her nap later and I did a home colon cleanout. OWIE. The cramps got a lot worse but I passed some ickkkkkkky stuff today. I napped some more after I was done with that. I had a VERY strange dream! I felt like I was actually there… I remember I couldn’t open my eyes all the way, just barely and I was trying so hard! Also, I remember floating like Peter Pan and there were lions? I have no idea. I got up, eventually got Katie up and Brad came home soon afterwards.
We loaded up after Katie ate dinner to buy pull-ups for Katie plus some veggies and bread. We came home and aren’t doing much of anything now. Brad will bathe and put Katie to bed around 8:40pm or so then I’ll make some tea and watch the newest episode of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition – SQUEEEEEEEE!!!
Day 7 of the cleanse! I wonder if the vivid, strange dream is part of the detox symptoms? Hmmm hmmm. I’ve only drank 2 juices today but the first one this morning was a large glass and with the POTENT wheatgrass so I only randomly drank it. I don’t really want much of anything but of course I love morning and evening herbal teas. The worst part of today has been the dizziness when I get up sometimes and of course the awful bowel cramps/pain but I think that’s for that JUNK getting unclogged from in there… ew. From seeing that mess, I would say my diagnosis is definietly Candida overgrowth.