Lookie, lookie!!! LOVE-GEEK finally has a new theme. The other one was up for… 7 months? I don’t usually have layouts up for that long but during those 7 months I did not have the motivation or energy to work on much of anything. THAT HAS CHANGED NOW! Since I love summer, I went GREEN. Which is just right since all my vegetable juices on the cleanse turn out green, too. I worked, fiddled, fixed and situated my new theme. I’m pleasantly happy with it! I’m still going to be working on it and seeing what I can add to the layout.
Onto today. I felt cranky and not-so-good most of yesterday. I got a slight headache that came on late yesterday and stuck with me overnight and into today. It’s been off and on but I know It’ll go away soon. Gotta love detox symptoms. I have felt a good bit better overall for today. I got a lot accomplished today! School work. Layout work. I’m trying to get rid of the 1,000+ spam I’ve got in my WordPress database and the “Empty Spam” button in my Comments section does not delete it all and gives me an error after it deletes only 40 or so. Also, a storm is moving in! I hear some thunder outside right now. Brad came home from work and rushed out to our pool across the street to try to get a quick swim workout, but just after he got in the pool, one of the pool managers told everyone to get out. He was not happy when he got home. I went ahead and put a Rugrat movie on for Katie since it was about to storm and she couldn’t go outside on the porch. She is perfectly happy!
Speaking of my cleanse…. TODAY I AM HALF-WAY THROUGH!!! I have never been 15 days without solid food. My life is changing day by day with this cleanse. Not a lot of people are willing to do it but I feel it was more than necessary for me with how bad my health had gotten from the imbalance in my gut. I’m excited! It has for sure been one of the top challenges I’ve taken on but I know it is well worth it.
Here are my evening drinks! Check out my awesome new poka dot cup. Of course, Kombucha = LOVE.

Hope you like the new layout!!!!