Saturday is weigh-in day of course! I didn’t know what to expect when I stepped on the scale since I lost 7 pounds last week and 6 pounds the week before. I stepped on and…. I lost 3 pounds! Not bad. I don’t know If it’s because I’ve lost so much the last 2 weeks that the losses are less for this weigh-in and will be higher next week? Or if they will keep being lower? Or maybe they aren’t as much since I have been drinking less veggie juice and more unsweetened almond milk? Who knows. I’m just HAPPY to be losing! 19 pounds in 4 weeks is beyond AWESOME to me. The most I’ve lost in 4 weeks before this cleanse was 9 pounds, lol.
We got up this morning and got Katie fed, ready and took her to Moms to spend the day with her. We came back home and I cleaned house!!! Brad helped a bit – which was nice. I got done, fixed green juice and got a bottle of water then we were OFF to go check out a supposedly large Farmer’s Market that was about an hour away. We hit some construction on the way there and back… that was the biggest hassle.

We got rained on when we got to the Farmer’s Market and then we got another storm after we got home. It feels really cool outside right now. Monday is supposed to be reallllllly hot. Well, we don’t have anything planned for tomorrow so we will just chill out. After Katie goes to bed, I’m gonna get a nice shower, fix my hot tea and just try to relax.
18 days down, 13 more days to go on the cleanse!! I will do this.