First — WELCOME TO SUMMER!!!!!!!!! Excited since this is my favooorite season! Also, I have TEN DAYS LEFT ON MY CLEANSE. Counting down the days now, woot woot. Definitely will be a new experience to have accomplished in my life.
Today I’ve mostly been working on my college paper! I’m actually excited about working on my assignments. Yes, I’ve always been the type to enjoy learning. I am just glad that Brad and I finally decided to take the plunge back into school to get a higher education for the both of us. In this course, our big assignment is to write a paper that reflects on an overview of our lives. I have been working on the rough draft today and am happy to say that I am done except for re-checking… over and over again, lol. Since I like to review it a million times before I submit it. Class for this week just started today and I am done with all the assignments except for the reading quiz. I just need to submit all my work when I usually do. I like to stay ahead!
Other than college work, Katie has been “pretty” good today. In fact, I was impressed with her behavior when it came to nap time! She usually ALWAYS throws a fit when she knows it’s time to go down for nap but today she went into her room and laid down so I could take off her socks and shoes with no fuss! I rocked and talked to her for a few minutes then laid her down and she actually went to sleep real soon!!! I usually have to go back in there to tell her to go to sleep since she fiddles and messes around forever. However, this evening after Brad got home, she started acting out… as usual. I hope that she will behave until her bed time. Rewinding to this morning, Brad tried to wake me up after his shower but he said I wouldn’t wake up! I eventually woke up about 15 minutes before he had to leave. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night so I guess I made up for it this morning. I usually go back to sleep after Brad leaves for work but this morning I actually stayed up and have been up all day!
It’s been a much better day for me today as far as how I’ve felt. We haven’t done much of anything since Brad got home. He’s currently playing a game and I’m listening to music. It is looking quite cloudy outside so we might get some rain. Totally random but last night, I watched part of a movie Brad was watching on Netflix with our Wii called House of the Devil… what a laugh!!! Yeah, It was really lame. Love Tuesday night since I will be watching the latest episode of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition!