The day has FLOWN by… it’s already 11pm!!!!!! Here’s a summary of my awesome, awesome DAY!
my childhood friend DID come to hang out!!!
– wow. i seriously had SO. MUCH. FUN. we just kept talking and talking and… talking! i didn’t want her to leave but she had to get back to put her baby girl down for her nap. katie got to stay up an hour later before her nap this evening since they were visiting. i love my bestie and i am so happy we live pretty close to one another now. hopefully we can get close again and i can have a close girlfriend! we have SO MUCH in common it’s unreal but SO awesome. yes, i’m using the word AWESOME a lot. that about sums up how i’ve felt today!
– i’m so thankful i made the decision to cleanse my body with the juice fast. i’m so thankful i made it 24 days without solid food and rid my body of lots of colon plaque that had built up in the walls plus all the bad bacteria that RUINED MY LIFE in 2010. i’m nervous about eating food again but beyond ecstatic about it TOO. it’s going to taste better than ever. my stomach is really small now and i’m gonna keep it that way. i will get full so fast! the nutrients are gonna absorb better than they ever have, i imagine. if your new to my site and wondering why i did a 24 day veggie juice fast — short story: i suffered hell in 2010 and didn’t know why but just recently realized the bad bacteria had taken over the good in my intestines so i decided to take the hardcore approach to fixing it. i’ve said this before… it has not been easy. between the hunger pains, detox symptoms, colon cleanouts and all the INTERESTING and vile, stinky matters that come with that (but it was also grossly fascinating…) it took all my willpower to keep moving forward. i would of only had 6 days left to go all the way to 31 days like i had hoped to but i just think it’s time to stop. i have so much more appreciation for my body and for VEGGIE AND FRUIT JUICES! i will probably think ive landed in paradise when i eat food tomorrow, lol. I WILL BE in my own paradise FOR SURE. i remember a time when every morsel of food i put into my body tasted beyond words and i’m looking forward to that again AND KEEPING IT THAT WAY.
healthy food shoppings!!!
we dropped katie off at moms like we usually do on a friday evening so we could go shopping FOR ALL MY WONDERFUL FOODS for my first week with solid food again! i’m going really light for now. it was storming off and on the whole time we were out and about. we stopped by Old Navy, which, was out of usual way so we got a little lost but found it! in able to partake in the sale i wanted to – i had to be a card member… boo. oh well! we looked around then tried to navigate back towards walmart and whole foods. it was a little later than usual so we went to whole foods FIRST instead of last. usually save the best for last, lol. at whole foods I got: goji berries!, dates!, alfalfa/radish sprouts, oragnic dijourn balsamic dressing, little sleeve of chia seeds, avocado, my lovely KOMBUCHA, my awesome plain live culture yogurt then @ wal-mart… jillian’s natural PROTEIN POWDER, cinnamon (OMG I HAVE MISSED CINNAMON), frozen veggies, fresh veggies, BERRIES, fresh cabbage, GREENS, my beloved unsweetened almond milk and some LENTILS!!! after we came back home with katie, brad put her to bed while i put away groceries, started chopping/cooking some foods, started a load of laundry and finally made my tea! i haven’t been sitting down long but you know… today i have felt really good.
I dunno If I can sleep tonight with being so excited about weighing-in in the morning AND getting up to finally put something solid into my mouth! I’m gonna nibble on some berries in the morning WHILE I MAKE AN EPIC PROTEIN/FRUIT SMOOTHIE!!!!!! I probably won’t be able to drink much since my stomach is probably as small as it can get. I WILL NOT STRETCH IT OUT. I WILL NOT. I spent 24 days without food, lol no way I’m gonna waste the cleansing I’ve done. That has been the whole point. Katie will spend the day with Mom tomorrow just like we do every Saturday. I’m gonna clean house, eventually get my talk ready for church and we might make our way to SMOOTHIE KING since Brad got a free coupon for a small shake from work for each of us!! I’ve already got my smoothie picked out!!
I’m seriously so happy. I am becoming the person I was before my health came crashing down and I am utterly amazed and THANKFUL for my Heavenly Father. I’ve waited so long to feel good again. To feel that ALIVE as I once did. To feel that utter peace and JOY I did. I’m going in that direction… now to get back into exercise and tone this body UP while eating some EPIC healthy foods!!!!!! HELL. YEAH!!!!!! I’m ready to LIVE IT UP! I will take care of my body and feed it when I am hungry. I didn’t do that in early 2010… I would get so hungry and I was doing INTENSE exercise every day. I’m not doing that again, ever. I will fuel and take precious care of the temple that is my body… BALANCE BALANCE BALANCE !!!!!!!
I encourage everyone to do a juice fast. OR ATLEAST drink pure fruit/veggie juice from a JUICER. it’s so healthy for you.